Saturday, March 13, 2010

What to do with Ye-men and So-mal-e-ah

I was asked recently what would I do with these two cesspools (wait that's not true, cesspools have water) never mind. You can't simply cut them off from the food we drop, although that would slow them down some and I fully approve of such measures, as they will eat the sprouts from the ground, bugs and any moss that grows by the seashore. These humanoids are the cockroaches of our species, survivors they are. They will outlast us in almost any calamity. They can go for days without water, weeks without food. I have seen 6ft tall men weighing no more than 90lbs and thats here in the US, I'm sure they can lose another 20lbs in their sandy hellhole.
My theory on getting rid of the vermin is to turn them on each other, much in the way Rachael Madcow on MSNBC and Hannity on FNC have divided the US. Only use the vermin's own religion. After all they are capable of slaughtering thousand in its name. I suggest spreading cartoons and commentary's on the Sunni and Shit sect and blame it on each other. In no time they will thin the herd enough that just breeding will be difficult and set them back a century. I know it sound cruel but hey, they have proven to us it works. And its very affordable, why spend good money after bad. Thanks Ac-med.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Who the hell is Jihad Jane?

What in the world is going on? A Jihad Jane? What what was this nut case up too? have you notice most if not all of the "Jihadist" that DHS "catches" seem to be screwballs? Is it me or are they just casting out a net and pulling in these weirdo's on the Internet? Well I'm not sure abut it jsut seems a little odd. Well at least the ACLU has a new billing line to the federal government.
What about all these overpaid government "workers" now there is a misnomer.

Paul Kersey