Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why NOT Oh-Bama

I ask the question, why NOT Oh-Bama, why do we have to put up with this fraud? Because ACORN and that self hating jew George Sore-us put him office? That the ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center, ABC, CBS and NBC that keep him in power? Who is to say we have to listen to these traitors? Think of the gutless opposition, Rachel Madcow and the freaks in the ACLU, we could end this in days, they are all puffs, hiding behind there boyfriends skirts, (In the case of Mad-Cow, her girl friends, I'm sure she wears the pants). We have had 2 revolutions already, the one in 1774, and the velvet one in the 60s, who's to say we can't have another? Who? DHS? Who, and why NOT?

Paul Kersey

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How much more damage can Oh-Bama do?

I cannot write long, you have no idea how difficult it is to live constantly looking over ones shoulder. But I am committed to bring change to this once great country. While Oh-Bama travels the world apologizing for us and bowing to his masters, the Moose-slums are the march, every day. they stick another pin, another cut, more blood. Remember how this all started, no not 911, it started in 1010, when the moose-slums picked there tents, took their furry baying girl friends and took their bearded women and started to move out of the hell hole we now call Saudi Arabia. the started moving across the middle east, Africa and they weren't stopped until they met up with a Catholic King Charles "the Hammer Martel" in France. We have no such Hammer, just candle light vigil's and flowers. The Moose-slums know how week we have become. Good night, sleep tight.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Laying Low

As you can probably imagine I have had to lay low. DHS has been on a witch hunt for "anti Iz-lamic christian hate groups who want to overthrow the country" No Mr, I mean Ms DHS we just want you to go after these 7th century throwback who are armed to the teeth and really, really want to bring this once great country to its knees.
I will be checking in occasionally, have to keep moving to stay one step ahead of the jack booted thugs. Oh-Bomba is has been very busy giving away our new-clur secrets and bowing to any one that will have him.
Paul Kersey, remember that name, its the next one you will see paraded in front of the circus court. GOD BLESS AMERICA and all it once stood for. Avenge Me.