Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Breaking News; Paul Kersey is back

That's right, I am back and in a big way. As always I cannot reveal my location or my where-abouts, however you can assume I am in a safe location and able to communicate freely with you, my millions of readers.

You are probably on the edges of your chairs thinking what is Mr Kerseys view on all the hoopla around the "tea Party" movement. Well I'll give you a clue, its a start. But do not count on any big changes in the near future. Remember the country has been re-populated with millions of turd worlders who, lets face it came here for a handout or as in the case of the Moose-slum hord to conquer the country, and as long as those idiots who now run Washington are handing out, they will somehow find a way to cast a vote for that hand. Can we make a change?, yes, will it take a revolution?, perhaps, but lets give this latest "movement" some time. I look forward to more frequent communication from my secret lair, and I look forward to hearing from you, the little people, who really do matter.