Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It has all been part of the plan

From the desk of Paul Kersey;

I will try to sum this up as quickly and simply as possible, you can follow up on see that the communist plan to bring down the US is in fact working quite well.
It all started in the 40's and 50's mostly by the weaklings who for any number of reasons stay out of WWII and became educated, then planted themselves in universities as tenured professors. They detested the attention the returning vets received and began to run them and the efforts of the US down at every turn. Our system of democracy and economics systems were belittled by these bearded clams. They have since produced a fresh crop of little commies in the 60's and 70's. Think of what they attacked, The Family, Heterosexuality, Religion (especially Christianity), The working class, the very people they profess to protect, our economic system and anything made in the US, they loved foreign cars even when they were pieces of shit. Think of the things they have embraced, co habitation, or free sex, homosexuality, man as god himself, humanism! These grey haired, little punks with tweed jackets and elbow patches and pony tails have been playing out the communist master plan for over 50 years and frankly doing a very good job. They must be stopped. Be aware of their friends (Moose-slums) as the old saying goes the enemy of my enemy is my friend. These low life losers who have spawned (not their own offspring of course) a new crop of even more dangerous individuals called, eco-warriors, these know nothings have been brainwashed since birth to bring down our society and culture, Barry Oh-Bomba is one of them, please note Nancy Pelosi is just stupid. Fight them were you find them. They are weak hearted and back down easily. Their weakness is they truly believe they are so much more intelligent than the rest of us that they can talk you into seeing there view given enough time, don't give them your time give them your middle finger.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Ground Zero Mosk and Oh-Bomba trip to hell

Good Evening from my lair. First lets get Oh-Bomba's trip out of the way, what the #$^*? is he going to hell on earth for?

I recently paid a visit to the old burlington coat factory, also know as the site for the ground zero mosk in NYC. I was looking for a place to pee but it was surrounded by none other than NYCs finest. Have you noticed how many NYPD and NYFD are just walking and driving around doing absolutely nothing these days? I believe both forces could be cut by 50% and no one would notice the lack of service. What a mess.

Is Nancy Pelosi getting stranger looking? She looks like something from a horror movie.