Monday, February 23, 2009

900 Mil to rebuild Gaza? Are we a nation of idiots

I couldn't believe what I was reading, we, an almost bankrupt country are going to spend 900 million to rebuild Gaza after the Israelis demolished it? What is wrong with our leaders? In this state of our economy I would be against us rebuilding our friends, but trust me the Palestinians hate us. Even the so called moderate one only scoff at our outreach. You must do what it takes to stop this utterly waste of taxpayer money.

What about Oh-Bamas new "Urban Ex u tive office" created by oh yeah, executive order, seems he needs an over arching federal office to manage the hand outs to our "urban areas" what there are not enough useless government workers handing out money to useless people?

1 comment:

  1. This is just a bail out of the Palestinian's biggest industry, the aerospace industry. Now they can rebuild their rocket factories and put people back to work.
