Saturday, March 21, 2009

End of America?

There has been a lot of talk about if we are witnessing the “end of America”. There certainly are a lot signs that things are on the wrong track and if not reversed could be catastrophic to this great nation. The fact alone that a light weight like OH Bama was elected president says a lot about us a people. Have you looked into the eyes of one the morons with the OBAMA/Biden stickers on the PAINT of their car? Hello, nobody’s home. These are the people who wouldn’t know right from wrong, left from right if they had detailed instructions! These people are sad products of years of public school brainwashing and indoctrination on subjects as “diverse” as; We’re all equal, no one wins” to “Corporations are all corrupt” to “Sex with animals is a reasonable choice”
These idiots (and if you want to see them on TV watch MSNBC) don’t even know what they doing. Take that HESHE anchor on MSNBC in the evening, they would hang her and her girlfriends in Iran by their short hairs but what do they do and report on? How nice it was that Oh Bama used the phrase “the Islamic Republic of Iran” instead of just saying Iran! These idiots spend their entire shows either stating what a great guy Oh Bama is and/or knocking Bush and yes the favorite target of all, the center of American “evil” Guantanamo Cuba. Yes, if only they would release these animals (of course not in NYC where these idiots live) everything would alright and the world would love us again like when their man Bill Clinton was prez. Oh wait they hit us a number of times back then also, yeah but we got that domestic terrorist Timothy Mac Vie, did they put him to sleep quick or what! Now he was very bad man.
There are voices of truth out here, your reading one now. Dr Michael Savage of the Savage Nation is another.

Paul Kersey

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