Saturday, October 17, 2009

These Times they have a changed

Bob Dylan's was very prophetic, "these times they are a changing". Look around and see. For instance we have the first Half Black President, we won't discuss his less than proud heritage, suffice to say his momma had a bad case of "Jungle Fever". This President had a hateful bitter preacher who espoused some racial and radical ideas, along the lines of the ole standby "Kill Whitey" hes the root of your problems, a few black radicals, with a smattering of communist radicals thrown in i.e his communications czar "my favorite philosher was Mao" Whats going on? I'll tell you what I think, it s the end of this once great nation. The Liberals won, they have run agreat campaign in the schools all the way from K-9 to the highest universities. They infiltrated the media, ran down everything this nation stood for. And with the shield of political correctness made it all right and wrong to talk about their deeds. I really have to say it was brilliant. There is very little spark left of American spirit, you see and hear it now and then but its quickly extinguished before it gets anywhere.
Take a look at the recent spats of horrific Black on white crime, torture really, worse than anything the Vietnamese did to our captured pilots who bombed there cites, yo have to have alot of hate to do what these monsters did, look them up I don't eve want to go any further here.
The sub prime mortgage mess is a result of this political correctness, make no mistake, the recipients of these loans had neither the intention o r the means to repay, it was all a charade. Sadly just lie most of America is today. I the 60s they ran down American, how we do it, why we do it and where we do it. The factory's closed, the churches closed, suburban areas became havens for the most vial decrepit subhumans the world has ever seen. They are a substantial part of the future, prepare to battle them in your lifetime.


  1. That is what Hope and Change is all about.

  2. I'm locked and loaded Paul, just say when!
