Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hey, Hey, Ho Ho, BHO has got to go!!!

Good Evening my fellow Americans, I am speaking to you from my hidden lair. I have an important message that will probably effect you more than know. If you are better off today and happy with the direction this country is heading, read no more, you are a moron.
However if you are like me and the millions of Americans who are disgusted with the way Bill Ayers, I mean Oh-Bomba, is running the country you must go out and do something. Once a Republican candidate is chosen, back him or her every way you know how. Cover your cars and houses with stickers and banners, stand out on the street corners when you can with a bullhorn, this fraud must be stopped at all costs or we will lose this country as sure as I'm sitting here writing to you today. Do what you can where you can.
For all you dreamers who back Ron Paul, if he decides to give in to his childhood dreams and anti depressants he's surely taking and run as an independent. DO NOT THROW AWAY YOUR VOTE. The guy is a dreamer with some fairy tale ideas but let be honest, he is unelectable. Vote for any Republican and work during the next 4 years for a new, invigorated third party. thank you and good night.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Ron Paul looks like something from the smurfs.
