Monday, October 7, 2013

From the desk of Paul Kersey in his hideout. Due to various intrustions by the Obama regime, I have had to lay low far longer than ever before. I can assure you these same goons do not pay as much attention the mooslums who are the avowed enemies of the western world. I hope to once again bring all of my faithful readers the latest news in the war against freedom and liberty. As I traveled this once great country trying to stay one step ahead of Obamas goons I could not help but notice just how much greatness we still have left. Yes, there are moques popping up in the most remote towns and villages, yes, you will see a bearded clam wearing a dirty night shirt and recycled tire sandals walking in front of a headscraf wearing rather ugly woman, but worse she has a brood of 4 little achmeds behind her. You must continue to write your representives and tell them we cannot continue importing these retrograde 11th century throwbacks who leech off the welfare system while funneling money into the local e-moms mosque. Thank you again to those of you that took great risk by offering me shelter. Remember, Obamas favorite book was Rules for Radicals and most of the world s mooslums ahve only read one book, the KKK-raan. Paul Kersey

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