Tuesday, August 3, 2010

They thought they had ole Paul Kersey

Yes my thousands of loyal readers I'm back, they thought they could hold me against, not only my will but that of the entire free world. I also have a stunning announcement that will wrinkle the dirty night shirts and brekkas of our Moose-slum "friends" in lower Manhattan. Paul Kersey has been reassured that IF, IF the Moose-slums build their VICTORY MOSK at ground Zero, it will be destroyed when they least expect it and take many of those followers of the religion of pieces straight to Allah. I have also been reassured that enough pork waste products will be added to the building to ensure they rot in Moose-slum hell. So, don't worry about mayor Bloomstein and his ACLU race traitors, justice will be served, COLD!
Well, I'm back, and hell is coming to breakfast!!

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