Saturday, April 30, 2011

Look what mulitculterism has wraught

The Defense Department has been so infiltrated with spy's and conspirators known as lawyers and diversity trainers they are now preparing for the final assault on the last barrier, the military. Using multiculturalism and diversity and homosexuals they will bring down our last line of defense against the one world government. They have won. They just got 8 of our finest diversity trained officer killed in that hell hole known as Afghanistan by making them so afraid to shoot the enemy that a cornholed moose-slum just walked in and shot 8 armed military officers, just like that. And you all sat through your diversity training like good minions. Next time tell them to GO TO HELL.
They have ruined our economy, schools, our churches, our police and make no mistake they have their beady little eyes on the military. Do you think they give a damn about a bunch of sexually confused teens? No, they want those deranged individuals in your military, serving next to your son or daughter. They will stop at nothing to bring this country down, its in the way of their dream.
I have a different dream, one where spineless, confused one world government traitors are laughed at and shown for what they really are, nothing, don't be afraid of them they stand for nothing, they may be determined but inside they are weak and can be defeated, if only we would fight them. Fight them in your schools, on the job and in the streets if need be. They are led by community organizer like Oh-Bomba.

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