Saturday, April 23, 2011

What has this fraud got us into now?

I have been away but my I'm back. I have been very busy getting regimen changes in place. These moose-slums are very cagey, ya gotta keep your eye on them. They have their eyes on us. I have discovered plans they have for "remodeling" the Vatican after they take control of Italy. Think it can't happen. Visit Constantinople (now known as Istanbul).
That aside, I want everyone to write their congressman and tell then no more moose-slum into our country, we can't afford to feed anymore people much less invaders. that's right invaders, can you imagine all the wars we have fought to keep the barbarians from our shores, now these idiots we call politicians just let them walk right in. That right, no shooting, no angry mobs, just greetings from DHS and the HHS with a check and section 8 housing, oh and don't you go thinking you can insult them, CAIR and the ACLU will hit you with a law suit. We are finished unless something drastic happened, I don't know who or how but if it doesn't happen mark my word this country will gone in a generation. I only hope groups like the Southern Poverty Law center, the ACLU and CAIR all rot in hell for eternity. The only good new if you want to call it that is these vermin don't tend to reproduce for what ever reason so maybe its just a passing phase in human history, the mental disease called extreme liberalism. Write, stay informed and pray.

Paul Kersey

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