Friday, March 8, 2013

Please Jeb, no!

I would like to start out by asking, no begging Jeb Bush, please do not run for President in 2016, wait, ever!. We know enough about you, your sibling and father that you are actually a Republicrat, and defiantly not a conservative and the book you say you wrote recently, that we all know you did not write confirms everything! Please, for the good of the country, after 8 years of this fraud, we cannot take another fraud. Thanks I hope I sounded sincere enough, this guy is exactly the type of empty suit that got us in this mess, here’s a sample from “his” book, he says “we need expanded immigration”, hello, we don’t have enough jobs for the morons that are already here. What’s needed is welfare and entitlement reform so the fat, stupid and lazy buffarillas and idiots with pants hanging down, and ball cap on crooked are not making 50K/yr doing nothing! Why work at the jobs they are born to do for ½ that? Even they’re not that stupid. I know it makes liberal morons feel better about themselves, giving away someone elses money to those who least deserve it but hopefully after BroncoBama is heaped into the Jimmy Carter memorial dustbin of history we get a real leader with the guts and determination to make real changes. I like how that fat little gangham guy is threatening the US with “all out war” and “pre-emptive nuclear attack”. Does anyone think this little weasel would have said that if Reagan was in office? Did Dennis Rodman give him the green light? Isn’t there anyway we can get China involved in protecting Israel, or any of the catboxes in the middle east? Why are we always on the hook for these bearded clams? 250mil to E-gypt? Why, so they can buy “death to America” posters from printers in China? Lets get on the winning end of these morons for a change. China has plenty of our money let them play sugar daddy to the armpit of humanity. NOTE-Caesar “salad” Chavez is still dead! Paul Kersey

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Another Yugo bites the dust

BroncoBamas must be heart broken tonight, his buddy, Yugo Chavez is finally dead. Did you ever notice that “champions of the poor” always end up making more poor people? BroncoBama uses the term “middle-class” but he means the same thing. It’s the same retrograde communism that those called educated “we know what’s good for you better than you do” champions of the poor have been using for over a century with devastating effect on the middle class of every country it touches. Oh don’t worry about the rich, they just move, they can afford to as the song goes, “when the world is falling down you still get the best of what’s still around”. It’s the so called little guy who fights thier wars and ends up losing everything they ever worked for. And then the commies find a safe place to slowly die while writing about what went wrong, drunk and drugged. Lets all hope someone rises from the ashes in Venice-wayla and gives the people what they really want, freedom from idiots who know nothing! GodsDirtyWork is in the process of starting a movement, no not that kind, its called “I’m tired of paying your rent” and “I’m thinking of stopping paying for your EBT card” some bumper stickers are on the way. Give me a month and you too can have one. Paul Kersey

Monday, March 4, 2013

As I am writing this I am waiting for a flight home, I noticed no change in the TSA agents numbers or attitudes, still too many and still foul. BroncoBama has lied again, the truth be told the government could survive 3 times the cut mandated by the BroncoBama sequester. They know it, thier media lapdogs know, they just don't want you to know. As BroncoBama spend his way into a socialists wet dream, he ask only that we open out wallets just a little wider so the fat, lazy, useless hunks of human offul can get thier EBT cards and eat themselves into a cardaic arrest. Of course BroncoBama keeps talking about "the defense cuts" but what about giving these pigs a vacation from the trough. I for one am sick of looking at them with their grredy littel eyes and fat faces as they waddle thier way up to the food store checkout with a big smile on thier fat faces as they hand over thier very handy EBT card, all curtiousy of me and you. They talk on "obamaphones", live in "affordable housing". get the best health and dentalcare, thanks to us, they get discount on cable, and electricty. All because they can't seem to find a job that pays over 50K, thats right you heard correct, these pigs, at the end of the month take in the equivilant salary of someone working full time and getting over 50K/yr. Thanks government,thanks suckers, but your killing us and very soon, we just might start not giving you our money to dole out! Paul Kersey 3/3/2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Now What?

BroncoBamas Doomsday is now upon us and what? Anyone notice a change? I still see the sweathog/buffarillas in line with EBT cards, too many police and fireman on the street, the planes are still flying. Maybe we NEED this change, ever think of that? Why should we rely on the government for more and more services? Think about it, most government service are duplicated, in some case tripled by state and local services. Did you notice when FEMA shows up? The Red Cross is there, the STATE EMA, local officals, police, fire, really how did we ever get by without all these agencies? Answer; People helping People. Think about this, when there is blackout or some other loss of services, most people will be the first to lend a hand, maybe not rebuild your shitbox for free but help you on your feet. The guy with the 4X4 makes tracks through the snow. But now in the last 30 years since the government took control, everyone just sits back and waits for good ole uncle sam to "take control". If thats how you want it be prepared to pay a very high price! Paul Kersey, just doing GodsDirtyWork