Monday, March 4, 2013

As I am writing this I am waiting for a flight home, I noticed no change in the TSA agents numbers or attitudes, still too many and still foul. BroncoBama has lied again, the truth be told the government could survive 3 times the cut mandated by the BroncoBama sequester. They know it, thier media lapdogs know, they just don't want you to know. As BroncoBama spend his way into a socialists wet dream, he ask only that we open out wallets just a little wider so the fat, lazy, useless hunks of human offul can get thier EBT cards and eat themselves into a cardaic arrest. Of course BroncoBama keeps talking about "the defense cuts" but what about giving these pigs a vacation from the trough. I for one am sick of looking at them with their grredy littel eyes and fat faces as they waddle thier way up to the food store checkout with a big smile on thier fat faces as they hand over thier very handy EBT card, all curtiousy of me and you. They talk on "obamaphones", live in "affordable housing". get the best health and dentalcare, thanks to us, they get discount on cable, and electricty. All because they can't seem to find a job that pays over 50K, thats right you heard correct, these pigs, at the end of the month take in the equivilant salary of someone working full time and getting over 50K/yr. Thanks government,thanks suckers, but your killing us and very soon, we just might start not giving you our money to dole out! Paul Kersey 3/3/2013

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