Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Another Yugo bites the dust

BroncoBamas must be heart broken tonight, his buddy, Yugo Chavez is finally dead. Did you ever notice that “champions of the poor” always end up making more poor people? BroncoBama uses the term “middle-class” but he means the same thing. It’s the same retrograde communism that those called educated “we know what’s good for you better than you do” champions of the poor have been using for over a century with devastating effect on the middle class of every country it touches. Oh don’t worry about the rich, they just move, they can afford to as the song goes, “when the world is falling down you still get the best of what’s still around”. It’s the so called little guy who fights thier wars and ends up losing everything they ever worked for. And then the commies find a safe place to slowly die while writing about what went wrong, drunk and drugged. Lets all hope someone rises from the ashes in Venice-wayla and gives the people what they really want, freedom from idiots who know nothing! GodsDirtyWork is in the process of starting a movement, no not that kind, its called “I’m tired of paying your rent” and “I’m thinking of stopping paying for your EBT card” some bumper stickers are on the way. Give me a month and you too can have one. Paul Kersey

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