Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What can the govenrment do for you?

First they can pay to bring you into this world. Just make sure your Mom claims you have no daddy (or at least she doesn't know who he is). Then she can claim WIC and feed you until you are 18. This isn't even counting the free tasty school lunches. Make sure you get in government housing (or at least section 8) This last one can be a lifetime benny. If you live in California, the government will even fix your polluting car for you (up to $500, I know how cruel) But worry not in good ol Massachusetts, they will buy you a car, really, I'm not kidding. If you choose to do so and are of the right persuasion you can get a free or almost free college education. If you can't work this out try joining the army and get a chushy rear echelon job that they hire a contractor to do your job for you not because your incompetent mind you, its because your in "training".
Then you can go to college on the GI bill, you've earned it, go ahead.
At this point you may think of (if you FEEL like it) getting a job. That's right try the government, I hear the local city is best, again chances are they will have a contractor "helping" you.
Don't worry about health care one way or the other, the government has your best interest. And forget about dying, they got you.
The moral of this story children is that now that you can hand over most critical services to the government, they control them and YOU. That's right, think "managed" health care, euthanasia.
But why worry about that, the government is your friend and has you best interests in mind, right?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Where is The ACLU?

Two recent stories made me think perhaps the ACLU only defends anything anti American. The first was the recent announcement that Dr Micheal Savage has been banned from the UK for what the home secretary calls hate speech. The second is the tragic lynching of Miss California for not supporting homosexual marriage. (lets stop using the word gay, there's nothing gay about corn holeing or packing fudge). The only thing these two great Americans did was speak the truth, what they believe. Isn't that free speech?

The ACLU is front group for anti American propaganda hell bent on bringing down America!

If I had the power I would raid there offices, lock up the perverts (what are they hiding) and seize their assets, including their fleet of Prius's. Most importantly I would find out who funds these perverts.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Whats going on

1.8 trillion dollars of debt? Have you gotten any of the "stimulus"? Well, fear not, you'll get your chance to pay it back in decades to come.

Oh Bamas old alma matter, ACORN is back in the news, do you think they had something to do with Oh Bama winning? That's right, Paul Kersey has just said what no one else will.

Do Prius cars come standard with Oh Bama for Prez stickers or are they an option?

Whats the difference between a Hoover vacuum and a Prius? The location of the dirt bag!

That s right, even Paul Kersey has a sense of humour

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I know many of you are concerned about Dr Micheal Savage, fear not, he is under 24 hr armed guard and at an undisclosed location. I can confirm he is not at the Kersey Lair. I can only say, enough already Savage, your losing us with the "banned from the UK" bit. Let me also add, that IF I had tickets and YOU ASKED us not to travel to the UK I hope you don't think I would lose my tickets! Hey I vote with my wallet and I ALWAYS buy non-refundable tickets.

Any who, You should have seen the Bold, Fresh Piece of humanity I drop in the pool this morning!
No kidding I felt 10 yrs younger and 20 lbs lighter.

I know, I know this is one of the top blogs in the world and I'm talking about a dump. Whats the difference when Hannity is talking to Newt?

Paul Kersey
from the hideout..come and get me DHS

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Time for a new "Party"

I'm not sure if the republicans are up to the task of taking on the Oh Bama Juggernaut. The last puff they threw against him was really a liberal, ole school democrat who just wanted "to get along".
I would like to see a purely conservative party but I really don't think the country club rebublicrats would let that happen. I do know they need to rebuild the base and get some new leadership. I don't see anyone on the horizon. Yeah I know, Sarah Palin, come on, nice enough lady but really she was over her head. Ms California?, I don't know, I think the women, especially the Oh Bama grey haired old hags would shred her. One would probably try to run her over n her Prius on a suicide misson.
If you can think of a good candidate please let me know, or we are lost.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Mayday, you filty Commies

That's right, its Mayday, the day all good little commies come out to show how much they appreciate freedom. Never mind if they lived in their commie dream world they would have their heads split open for smashing windows and burning cars, but hey, who countin!
Have you ever seen these spoiled little brats, throwing Molotov cocktails some 65 year ole hippie showed them how to make, "Lets take it to the man" is their battle cry. Clue 1: they wouldn't know a man if they saw one. Their own Dads ran off if their male English teacher!
No, I, won't be "celebrating" Mayday. I'll be home, sitting by the fire cleaning my new Henry 30-30. Nite nite kiddies,

Paul Kersey