Sunday, February 14, 2010

Iran has bomb? So what

I watched the so called President of Iran ( I keep thinking little hitler when I see this guy) give a speech last week expounding on how they now have the capability to build a nuclear bomb, so what. As Paul calls them, the Moose-slums will more than likely blow themselves to allah anyway. I love watching the videos from Afgan-a-stan where the mooseslums in dirty robes try to plant a roadside bomb and blow them selves up, I don't know I can't get enough of those, keep sending them Al-Jarezza. Just take a look at Mosse-slum "culture" its a twisted backwards philosophy that is doomed by its own attempts to shackle its people with 11th century wizardry and mind numbing proclamations that make no sense even when taken in the context of they were written by a child molesting highwayman thief. The only problem we have is that most of the idiots that are currently running western nations are insane. They accommodate these throwbacks, we have to get rid of these idiots, they are Iz-lahms only chance. So to sum this up, stand by for a fireworks show that will hopefully send many of Iran's finest straight to allah in blaze of Moose-slum glory.

Hemoroid Jim for Paul Kersey


  1. Hemoroid Jim? This site just keeps getting weirder by the day? Jim are you bragging or complaining?

  2. Listen to me you little punk, its just a name, you gotta problem wid dat!
