Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I know this may come as a shock to his millions of loyal followers but Mr Kersey will most likely not be able to communicate with us in this blog. His where abouts are unknown at this time. It is feared he is being held in an enemy Mosk. We received a communique from a an E-Mom who identified himself as AL-Asham Al Cornahola. He stated that he has information about Mr Kerseys whereabouts and would contact us later.
This is very unsettling news, we pray for Pauls release. I will try to keep all of you informed and keep up the good fight Paul Kersey has fought for so long to make us aware of the very real danger of Moose-slums and there evil ways. I look forward to Pauls return. Thank you for your support in this very important fight.

Frank Rizzo