Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti Earthquake

By now you have all donated "until it hurts" to the Haitian relief funds. I feel bad for these poor souls, they didn't ask to be born in that wreckage of an island. I'm sure it was quite a beautiful place before they were dropped off there and had to fend for themselves. They overgrazed, overpopulated and literally destroyed that island all the while building a culture of crime, fear and lawlessness. Sound familiar? Think New Orleans, or Zimbob-way. I hate (no pun) to be the one to tell you this but you could give them all the money in the world and it wouldn't help there lot in this world for more than a few weeks. But, please if it makes you FEEEELLLLL better, be my guest.
By the way have you seen one piece of re bar in any of the crumpled masonry? I didn't think so.
Well, I feel better now that Commandante Admiral Nelson-Mullett has deployed the entire US Navy to Hate-E, I just wish he had the same commitment to killing Somal-E pirates, wait is there a similarity here? The Somal-Es are actually alot more courageous and hardworking, they get whacked out and sail out to sea to loot and pillage, the Hate-tions just get in non powered boat and hope someone will pick them up and give them a free meal.
Paul Kersey

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