Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year? I don't think so

No more Doom and Gloom you say? Well we did end the year with a Moose-slum shooting up a Finnish Mall, and another practitioner of the relgion of pieces blowing up some of our fine CIA operatives and others trying to bring some semblance of humanity to that 10th century cesspool of IZ-Lahmic maddess call Afgan-a shit-atan, on the border with another Iz-Lahmic hellhole called Paki-a-shitastan. Lets not forget the asshole Moose-slum that that tried to bring down the airliner heading to Detroit. I can only imagine the trouble DHS and Oh-Bama will go through to protect the practitioners of the religion of pieces when they finally achieve their ultimate goal of blowing a city to kingdom come. All Mosks will have around the clock federal, state and local security,(not t omention there own stockpile of weapons) While we get patted down at the airport and granny gets goosed by a 240 shorty called Shaqilla working for TSA because she was forced off welfare. I'm sorry folks but we are in great danger and these folks are asleep at the wheel. Take one look at Janet Napalatano, does she instill confidence? She looks like a judge for the kennel club dog show.
No more doom and gloom? ok go ahead and stick your head in the sand. My Manifesto will bring sanity and guidance to a world gone crazy. I can't wait until its finished and I know millions of you will say, oh yeah this is what we should have done 10 years ago!
Paul Kersey, Happy 2010

1 comment:

  1. Paul, what the hell happened? This new background looks like it was designed by Libarace
