Monday, December 28, 2009

Africanized Killer Moose-slums

I am taking a break from writing my Manifesto to comment on the latest pin prick from the pricks at the "religion of pieces" better known as Iz-slahm. Now they have recruited moronic Africans to blow there asses to kingdom come. What will these genius E-Moms think of next?
Do you think they are really just part of the world wide perverts? They are a bunch of cornholers, just ask little Johnny Bid Laden, his ass is still burning from a right good rogering by Mulla O-mar. These people are the enemy. Thank God there was a least one man onboard to fight this Africanized killer radicalized African.
This will continue until we stop them in our streets, in the airports and tear down those dam MOSKs, they don't just shit there, they are planning your demise!!!!

Back to my Manifesto-times a wastin'
Paul Kersey, looking forward to 2010, when we finally find the courage to stop this insane policy of "Die-vesirty" and "political correctness", and FIGHT BACK

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