Friday, December 11, 2009

The following is an essay by Paul Kersey on "the Climate Crisis

I hear its getting warmer in some places? It is? I sure as hell can't tell, I'm sitting here with the heater blasting and a cold rain coming down, I hear there has been record snow in parts of the country. But lets assume for moment it is "getting warmer". So what, I love the heat, if it gets too hot turn the a/c on, go for a swim! Maybe Canada can grow more food and Iowa can feed the rest of Africa, what the hell, they are all standing in line for a handout anyway. The news show parched soil and people standing around starving over there, in the 50's and 60-'s they tried to show Africans how to farm and feed themselves but they soon discovered it was alot easier to stand in line and wait for the UN (the US). Besides most of the men, when they are not killing each other are chasing and raping the poor women, maybe we should just arm and train the women of Africa? The other hell holes of the world can dry up and blow away, who cares? the oil is safely stored beneath the ground.
The bottom line is Paul Kersey wants warmer winters and warmer summers, it can rain less (I have sprinklers). Lets stop this nonsense, hell, it gets warmer every summer and colder in the winter. The earth has cooled and warmed many times. I don't like those noisy low wattage, light bulbs and I don't like low flow tur-lets. I keep jammin em' up! I don't like a cold tur-let seats either, so let it get warm.

1 comment:

  1. Paul who ever the hell you are, you are a hater and this blog should be shut down, how the hell do you get off making hater statements like this. You should be ashamed of your self!

