Saturday, December 5, 2009

Well What do you know?

Anti-Islam Protesters Clash With Police in England
Saturday, December 05, 2009
LONDON — Police clashed with anti-Islamist protesters Saturday in the English city of Nottingham.
Nottinghamshire Police said they made 11 arrests for public-order offenses as several hundred demonstrators from the English Defense League marched through the city, 125 miles north of London. Some waved red-and-white English flags and shouted, "We want our country back."
They were met by a rival group of anti-fascist protesters, and mounted police formed cordons between the sides.
The league has held a series of protests across Britain in the last few months. In each city they have been met by counter-demonstrators, and skirmishes have broken out.
The group says it is not racist and only opposes militant Islam. But its members have chanted anti-Muslim slogans and made Nazi salutes.

As you can see by the article above there is once again a glimmer of hope for the free world. I have always been fascinated when the "anti-fascism" bozos come out to protest people who marching for their country back? Notice these same puffs never come out to protest Moose-slums who are chanting "death to England", "death to all who defile IS-Lahm", really? These little perverts wouldn't know a fascist was if they chopped their little heads off. Their puffs, forget about them, they will roll the second they know they are in the slightest danger or their gay fathers and mothers get mad at them.

Paul Kersey, listening to his Dean Martin Christmas music with my friend Jack Daniels.
I long for the good ole daze when you could drive along the interstate and shop for a nice Christmas tree, then pull the truck over and make like you are changing a flat and quickly saw one down, throw it in the back and surprise the family with a real fresh cut Christmas tree. Then use the $25 for a bottle of hooch.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the "old Daze" Paul. I miss empting the ash tray and throwing beer bottles out of the window too.
