Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Enemy Among Us

Good Evening,

Yes, as you've probably heard on the all the major networks I am back. I have signed a confidentiality agreement that states I cannot say where I was being held or by whom. Suffice to say, they got little from Paul Kersey. I also want to apologise to my legions of loyal readers who had to endure the morons I left in charge during my captivity. I should have been tipped off by the name Big Ed Grissil.

During my long days in captivity I have penned another literary masterpiece just like my last manifesto that changed the way we think. This work will sadly outline why we have lost our great country and why it is probably too late to save it. I promise, you will see it soon. Until then I will give you both thoughtful and insightful rants that will enlighten you and hopefully call all of you to action against; The Enemy Among Us.

Thank You for your continued support
Paul Keresy

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Dear Paul,

I am sorry for changing the blog without telling, I won't do it again.
Now that that is out of the way I want to say that it looks like we may be taking this country back, Demon-crats are loosing in every race and maybe we can get Oh Bama the hell outta here, maybe all the way back to his "native country" as his wife so eloquently put it, keep the faith. We are hoping Paul Kersey will return soon and god willing, he will announce his candidacy for the presidency. We can only hope.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Look and a New Direction

Hi, how do you like our new look? Different? GodsDirtyWork will now focus on the good things, not the bad. I got the idea when I read the military will now give medals for "restraint" I thought wait, since the military is giving up and kissing the dirty behinds of the Moose-slum, why not GodsDirty Work? Know what I mean? Lets all join Oh-Bomba and get on our knees and wash the feet our conquers. Anything American must be bad right? How about our friends from ol' Meh-e-ko? I took down my American flag and put a Mex-eh-can flag, and I am learning how to speak spanish so I can go shopping and understand the instructions and labels. Come on join with me and our illustrious prez-eh-dent and Adm. McMullens military, come on it will be fun, hopey and changey, the world is not upside down, its you, just be progressive and understanding.

Ed "Abdul-Miguel" Grissil-Perez

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I had to sit down and write a short piece about the presidents nomination for the Supreme Court. First I want to say I thought Ruth Ginsburg was ugly, but this "woman" or HESHE could literally scare the stink off a pile of shit. Now I understand why these beasts switch teams. Its all clear now. Now that is out of the way I want to move on to its politics. This thing is a communist, who has produced nothing but other beasts and sissys just like it. IT must be stopped, we are running out time. I urge the millions of readers to write their representatives and say "STOP THE BEAST".
I look forward to hearing from all of you with your comments.

Big Ed

Monday, May 3, 2010


My name is Ed Grissil, I will writing in this blog until Mr Kersey is able to return. He asked and I was proud to fill in for a true patriot.
My first blog will be to first reassure the million of followers of Mr Keresy that I am absolutely sure he will return. I can't say when but he will. I believe with all my heart he is beig held by thugs from DHS. I cannot prove it right now but I have a team working on it. True patriots always pay a high price. I hope you will stay with me and allow me to perhaps enlighten you in much the same way Mr Kersey did for so many years. I will reveal a little about myself as we travel this path to enlightenment. I know I will enjoy the journey as much as Mr Kersey did. Stay tuned and stay alert, as you may be next on DHS list. Eric Holder is a sworn communist operative and will stop at nothing to further his agenda. So I say to freedom!!