Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Diveristy really is peversiity

Three story's really caught the attention of ol Paul Kersey the last couple of days, first, Chaz Bono or whatever the hell this tub of lard calls itself, its the once cute little kid of that famously untalented duo Sonny and Cher. Lord knows what this kid experienced and saw growing up in that house. This woman changing to a "man" is a real testament to both Cher as "mother" and just how far our culture has fallen as whole. Another, maybe related story is that the Navy (that once proud military service that fought the Barbary Pirates and helped win WWII) is planning on having its Chaplin's perform "same sex" marriages. WTF, how low can our military go. I have a theory on our Military, I believe its going the route of Italian police, if you've been there you know what I'm talking about, there are those nice looking guys in the blue suits with white bandoleers and no weapon, no baton, why? Because they are useless, corrupted, well placed frauds that the government can't get rid of so they prance around Italian city's and play make believe but they get paid, well! Italy had to create a whole nother police force (real police force) these policeman wear military style fatigues and actually do police work. I feel the US military is becoming the same way. Yes, the special forces of all the branches have considerable capability's, and yes they tend to be all white, but the rest of the services have been infiltrated by fat black women who get knocked up every nine months and scrawny man/boys who are on the prowl for a contractor to feed and house them, and fix the equipment "they work on". Its bad, real bad. They are not all "hero's" despite what the media states on regular basis.
The last story is very troublesome, it seems even the USDA is falling off the diversity cliff by hiring a diversity rep for each state to "help the USDA relate to "minority farmers" Yes all you white folks, your so bigoted you need someone who can relate to other races. I've said it before and I'll say it again, unless we speak up and get this government off the back of its people with its diabolical left wing regulations and laws, we are doomed.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Why do we put up with Muslims?

Once again another brave US airline pilot refused to fly with 2 E-Moms looking (and more than likely smelling)like they just got out of time machine from the 11th century. These 2 "Islamic Scholars" got on another flight and promptly went to one of the greatest threats to US security the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). This subversive organization which essentially is an arm of the ACLU is bent on bring the Islamic Caliphate to a town near you. We must stand up and stop this enemy. Can you imagine during WWII a man trying to board a train in a Nazi SS uniform? And don't give me that "its a religion" bullshit. If you have half a brain and just listen to what these throwback say its very clear Islam is much, much more than a "religion" How about this food for thought; find a nation that is predominately Muslim and you will find no other religions. Find a nation having a "civil" war and you'll find its Muslim killing Christians. Look at the suburbs of every major European city, you'll find those "residents" working very hard (on the dole) to install their miserable way of life, as mo hammed and their good book the Koran has directed them.

If we don't stop playing with these people and declare war, it will all be over in mere decades. Get ready for the fight of your life and don't listen to surrender monkeys like Oh-Bomba.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Everything you'll need to be a good Moose-slum

Have you heard about the new store/website coming to a mall near you? Burgas, Beards and preDirty Night Shirts. check this out they even carry a wide selection of whips, sticks and rocks to administer that special beating to wives, lovers and little boys who "don't behave". This should be a big hit in the Moose-slum turd world, its just what they have been waiting for, why wait to grow a beard or find that just right burqa for your wives. And what good moose-slum will send his son out to milk the goat with a clean. shinny night shirt, be cool have one that already is dirty and stinky, including piss stains in the front and shit stains in the back. They will also sharpen your sword or simtar as needed in case one of those pesky Jews or Christians happens to say the wrong thing about the whore monger, child molester, thief/swindler you worship 8 times a day. This is going to be a big hit, a bang if you will in the 11th century catboxes of world, even Great Britain where they practice that oh so special kind of religious hate with fervor. Keep an eye out the grand opening, remember, BURQA's BEARDS and preDIRTY NIGHT SHIRTS.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

So Bin Laden is Dead?

So what, when I hear Iran has been leveled and their shoe shine boys Hamas has been obliterated then we can have a national holiday. They are the true head of the "Islamic" snake that bites the west every now and then. Bin Laden was just an old Islamic "celebrity" in hiding. Don't get me wrong I'm glad he got a double tap to the head but I would like to see more, much more. And please by all means use ALL weapons at our disposal to take out the trash.

By the way did you see the filthy "Mansion" Bin Laden was living in? The filth both inside and out, what is it with these Muslims can't they clean anything? They are always yaking about how "clean" everything has to be. yeah? that place and every other catbox these pigs live in are disgusting. Clean your selves up for Allah's sake OK you bunch of murdering hypocrites.