Saturday, May 7, 2011

Why do we put up with Muslims?

Once again another brave US airline pilot refused to fly with 2 E-Moms looking (and more than likely smelling)like they just got out of time machine from the 11th century. These 2 "Islamic Scholars" got on another flight and promptly went to one of the greatest threats to US security the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). This subversive organization which essentially is an arm of the ACLU is bent on bring the Islamic Caliphate to a town near you. We must stand up and stop this enemy. Can you imagine during WWII a man trying to board a train in a Nazi SS uniform? And don't give me that "its a religion" bullshit. If you have half a brain and just listen to what these throwback say its very clear Islam is much, much more than a "religion" How about this food for thought; find a nation that is predominately Muslim and you will find no other religions. Find a nation having a "civil" war and you'll find its Muslim killing Christians. Look at the suburbs of every major European city, you'll find those "residents" working very hard (on the dole) to install their miserable way of life, as mo hammed and their good book the Koran has directed them.

If we don't stop playing with these people and declare war, it will all be over in mere decades. Get ready for the fight of your life and don't listen to surrender monkeys like Oh-Bomba.

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