Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Diveristy really is peversiity

Three story's really caught the attention of ol Paul Kersey the last couple of days, first, Chaz Bono or whatever the hell this tub of lard calls itself, its the once cute little kid of that famously untalented duo Sonny and Cher. Lord knows what this kid experienced and saw growing up in that house. This woman changing to a "man" is a real testament to both Cher as "mother" and just how far our culture has fallen as whole. Another, maybe related story is that the Navy (that once proud military service that fought the Barbary Pirates and helped win WWII) is planning on having its Chaplin's perform "same sex" marriages. WTF, how low can our military go. I have a theory on our Military, I believe its going the route of Italian police, if you've been there you know what I'm talking about, there are those nice looking guys in the blue suits with white bandoleers and no weapon, no baton, why? Because they are useless, corrupted, well placed frauds that the government can't get rid of so they prance around Italian city's and play make believe but they get paid, well! Italy had to create a whole nother police force (real police force) these policeman wear military style fatigues and actually do police work. I feel the US military is becoming the same way. Yes, the special forces of all the branches have considerable capability's, and yes they tend to be all white, but the rest of the services have been infiltrated by fat black women who get knocked up every nine months and scrawny man/boys who are on the prowl for a contractor to feed and house them, and fix the equipment "they work on". Its bad, real bad. They are not all "hero's" despite what the media states on regular basis.
The last story is very troublesome, it seems even the USDA is falling off the diversity cliff by hiring a diversity rep for each state to "help the USDA relate to "minority farmers" Yes all you white folks, your so bigoted you need someone who can relate to other races. I've said it before and I'll say it again, unless we speak up and get this government off the back of its people with its diabolical left wing regulations and laws, we are doomed.

1 comment:

  1. I heard Cher's bagel boy was a pervert that why she threw him out
