Monday, February 25, 2013

Hollyweird, BroncoBama and Looney Louie

I don’t know about you but I thought BroncoBamas wife handing out the “Movie of the Year” award last night was very creepy indeed. What was the purpose of that? Who were the poor military folk in the background? Just being associated with the largest gathering of sexual predators on earth is disturbing in and of itself. I am hoping one good thing may come from this seedy episode in the Obama regime and that is that people, maybe even some of his die hard supporters finally get tired of this fraud and his antics, getting absolutely nothing positive accomplished. Even as his most hardened supporters roam our city streets beating and robbing people of lighter color, Obama is silent. Let even one of his “supporters” get roughed up, forget that the moron deserved it, and he goes into high gear for his “supporters” I am thinking of little Travon right now. BroncoBama wants the guns out of the hands of honest people so only his jack booted thugs and his thug supporters are the only people to have them. Remember folks, when Bronco and his butt buddy AT Eric Holder come for your guns, DON’T LET THEM HAVE IT!!, if you know what I mean. The nerve of these frauds to take our money and then offer to “buy back our guns”, where do you think they got the money from? Not from Obama supporters, from you and me! Make them beg, then say no! On that subject I see the psychotic mystic, Farrakkan is now hiring Obama supporters from Chicago to “protect and serve” his “followers”? This keeps getting better all the time. Have you ever wondered why the liberals like Clinton and BroncoBama got away with arresting and killing some Christian preachers (even if they were nuts, think Waco and Utah), but no one, ever, ever touches Farrakkan? This guy is double wrapped in the bubble wrap of being black and mooslum! I wonder what this guy would have to say or do to get an investigation going against him? Well don’t count on Bronco or AT Eric Holder to do anything, THEY ARE FRIENDS of his, go figure. Remember folks, get training, arm yourselves, be prepared and protect your families. Thank You for your continued support Paul Kersey

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