Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Fight for Freedom must go on

I’m back from self imposed exile, where I have been or why is not relevant, I am back. I felt I must, the battle must go on. BroncoBama is working with surgical precision to dismantle this once great country. He must be stopped, even if the republicans and thier water carriers like Rush Limbaugh have given up, Paul Kersey has not. BroncoBama has taken his lies to a new low, telling the good people of this country that if we stop borrowing 85 billion/yr from the Chinese we have to cut defense to the bone? What about cutting back on the excess food the fat welfare queens are buying with EBT/food stamps? What about the subsidized rent? What about WHOLE branches of our government that employees spend the day shopping when they are not in some insane diversity training? This government is not only out of touch, its out of control. BroncoBama is doing exactly what he did at his last job, community organizing. We need leadership, someone needs to step, fast. This man is a communist community organizer. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you, a drone, listening to your conversations and what you are looking at on the internet, beware AT Eric Holder, he is as dangerous as BroncoBama

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