Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Something is Wrong, Very Wrong

Is it just my imagination that the main stream media has become an arm of the Obama machine that is working like a rock grinder on the US culture? It seems like who ever is running Obama has nothing in its way on the opath to destroying this once great country, certainly not any rebublicans who "bravely" voted with thier democratic conspirators to give that louse Hagel the DOD sec job. But its minion in the media that are reall causing me great concern, as much as I have despised these mutatant, big head, little body freaks of nature, a few of them (before thier greatest "sucess" watergate that all these freaks now are now trying to emulate) actually tired to keep us informed. There are very few if any in network news, a few on talk radio. All of NBC including the George Soros channel, MSNBC now are activly working for who ever is running Obama. CBS and ABC are still in negioations with Soros for just how much they will seel out for. FOX?, who knows? I did not even mention them because as most of us know CNN is now some blend of TV talkshow and the entertainment channel. Question everything you see and hear these days because almost all of it is made for one purpose to keep the machine running that is eating the US from the inside out!

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