Sunday, April 12, 2009

Do we live in a nation of idoits?

Do we live in a nation of idiots? Wimps? Well, let’s take a stroll down “Main Street USA”
First stop the local school, what’s going in there? Diversity training today, maybe if we have time tomorrow we can teach some Math and grammar. Oh Boys and girls, we had to cuts sports so we can help the theater group. Ah Thespians, just what we need.
Next stop, the local superstore, what the hell, why do they have two languages on the door, mmm is that spanish being broadcast over the PA system; something about the “Banos isn’t working” I don’t know. I wish I could park closer to the store but they have almost 75 “handicapped spots” Hey that guy looks fine to me, and that lady in the escalade, she is just a “240 Shorty” if she lost weight maybe she could walk, oh wait she gets disability?
Next I’ll stop at the food store, I’ll just be a minute, oh damn these 2 dirt bags have a “split” order, oh they are using food stamps, that’s right they had to have the beer separate. But it’s 2 in the afternoon, doesn’t this guy work? I guess not ,his pants are halfway off his ass, nice shorts “dude” or is it dud?
That’s it, I’m heading home. Why do we take this behavior? How did it get to the point that ACLU lawyers are the guiding force these days. Why do we leave our borders open, then pay welfare and give free health care and food to criminals? Is it compassion? Or are we a nation of idiots. Why do we let muslims in as citizens? Presidente Oh Bama stated “we are not at war with Islam and never will be” What? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Picture this, after Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt get s on the radio and says, sure we were attacked (not like today, we have been attacked numerous times, but who counting) but don’t worry it’s just a small fringe element within Japan; they are a nation of peaceful people! I beg your pardon Mr. President; muslim fanatics declare war on us once a month! Forget their “good book” provides all the justification they need to cut the heads off non muslims. A nation of wimps (if we would just understand them?) yeah right. I just hope it’s not too late. Why is there an ammunition shortage in this country? Is a second revolution coming? Are the good people afraid of the government, or do they think it’s incapable of protecting them? Is the ACLU plotting a gun grab? Perhaps, I hope not.
Paul Kersey


  1. If only dead beat dirtbags go shopping at 2pm, what were you doing there?

  2. wE all have to just get along. iF The government is into world domination which is a good thing by hte way,,, then we need to train up as many moosslums as possible and illegals into the american way of life. THEN we can send them back to take over their countries after the us military nukes their homelands with low yeild nuetron nukes and build home depots and taco bellsand jack in the box's/ cant forget the jack in the boxes.....they have good breakfast burritos but we are getting off track here. so be nice to your welfare neighbors....its a small price to pay for world domination. remember uncle sam always gets his due....the freeloaders are getting a free ride at the expense of their children which are being bought into servitude by the good ol U s of a. gOD BLESS the american slave tradeing company....
