Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oh Bomba Nation

He and his minions have been overheard saying "never waste a good crisis", what better "crisis" to but forth a national health plan to pay for the very swines that bought it here! Check out your near set "emergency room" it looks more like a clinic in Tijuana.
Can you believe the once might Chrysler will go bankrupt and GM is be nationalized? Is this really happening? Every time you buy a Chinese tool or foreign car you did your small part. Check certain foods in the grocery store, they are even feeding us! No, its not too late the but the time has certainly come where if we don't make an about face, it will be.
The schools have done an excellent job of turning most kids in to curious do nothings for the last 30 years. They know more about how to put on a condom than how an anything mechanical works. It will be an uphill battle, and Oh Bama is one of the know nothings, we call them "Puffs"

Think Back before the 60s, did you ever see a Grandpa with ponytail and anything other than a wifebeater t shirt.......puffs all of them

Paul Kersey drives a Ford!

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