Monday, April 27, 2009

Why are they not telling us the truth?

First, why won't they tell us the truth? Is this like AIDS? How did AIDS transfer to humans from monkeys? What happened? The CDC is useless, they are not doctors, they are politicians just like our DHS, useless. Political correctness will be the death of us. Take care of yourself and your family. Remember the first rule of "when SH#$ hits the fan" Do not become a "refugee" They are first to go!


Thats right Paul Kersey is back!


  1. Paul, your right about the CDC, they are politicans first, and medical professionals second. I am leaving the country, any ideas?

  2. Im almost positive that we are now in a weeding of the human population. This pig flu can be a good thing. Take social security. They send us notices each year telling us that we will get less and less each year and will have to work longer and longer because there are more and more people. Do the math. More people mean less benefits. Less people mean more benefits. So when millions die in this country, then there will be more for me when I retire. What the hell do i care about my neighbor? All i care about is whats good for me. Am i right>? We all think this just saying the truth. So bring on the pigs...let them wipe out the usa.....Im tired of all the damned crowded malls and waiting in line.... All we can do is pray for a good culling. Death doesnt discriminate...bring it on. Return us to the good ol days of the past. a good 50% reduction would be good across the board.

  3. The previous poster is truly a sickened individual. How can they wish such a terrible thing upon humanity and the world and even our country? I can tell you why. A mass kill off of our population would allow more resources for the living few....and I support that

  4. I'm praying to God and baby Jesus that we will all survive this madness.

  5. I think the government does not know what to do. They are too worried about phony problems to deal with real ones. Like going after the Bush Admin and spending money we do not have for their special interest groups. This thing could make Katrina look like a county fair (minus the pigs of course). I can not wait for government health care.

  6. The sound of leaves rustling in the wind replace a cacophony of commuter car horns. The lone bark of a dog echoes from a far-off balcony into the normally bustling restaurant district, suddenly empty of lunchtime crowds and late-night revelers.

    Swine flu is scary, but it has also brought an unusual calm to this city that never shuts up. Crime is down and even the smoggy skies have turned a shade approaching blue.

    Throughout Mexico City, a megalopolis of 20 million, hustle and bustle has given way to shuffles and sighs.

    Mexico has taken drastic steps to prevent the flu's spread: By presidential decree, almost all businesses and government services nationwide will shut for five days starting with the May Day holiday Friday. Only "essential services" such as transportation, supermarkets and hospitals are being kept open. Schools were already closed nationwide.

    In the Bohemian Condesa neighborhood, sidewalks usually crowded with diners sharing loud gossip and blowing clouds of cigarette smoke were empty on Thursday. "Takeout service only" signs plastered restaurant doors.

    In well-heeled neighborhoods, security guards wearing blue face masks stood outside apartment buildings where tenants were heeding the advice to stay home, avoid crowds, rest up and keep their germs to themselves.

    Bike messengers, street cleaners and dog walkers strolled easily along quiet streets, emptied of the exhaust-belching, horn-blowing Hummers, SUVs, moving vans and trucks that normally crowd them.

    "Some people are even saying they don't want their pets to go out, because they're afraid they'll catch something," 18-year-old dog walker Carlos Alfredo Rey Zamora said, a face mask dangling from his neck. "There's no traffic anywhere and there is hardly anyone in any of the parks."

    In the working-class Mexico-Tacuba neighborhood, broad avenues usually clogged with buses, trucks and taxis were wide open, offering a swift hassle-free ride with unhindered views all around.

    Peseros — small, boxy vehicles that normally speed by with 40 passengers squeezed into a space intended for 20 — rumbled by empty in search of fares.

    The enormous central plaza, the Zocalo, was deserted. Gone were the usual crowds of drum-pounding "Aztec" dancers with bells on their feet and feathers in their hair, hopping and twisting in circles amid perfumed clouds of incense.

    The Zocalo's imposing Metropolitan Cathedral was free of the usual sightseers and worshippers with their rosary beads. Even the throngs of barefoot beggars who normally sit with their dirty palms outstretched for alms were nowhere to be seen.

    Crime in the capital has dropped nearly a third since the swine flu outbreak was made public last week, according to the Attorney General's office, with 280 crimes reported this week compared to 430 the week before. Muggings were down 37 percent as potential victims stayed home, and shoplifting also dropped, with stores closed and customers staying away.

    In an ironic twist, the few arrests included vendors caught selling free government-issued face masks to people desperate to avoid germs.

    So you see, mass death is great. The god forsaken city can actually be a great place to live once about 19 million die of this disease. Am I right here? I ask you once again, am I right? Sadly I AM.
