Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thank Mr President Oh Bama for apologizing for us to the Mosse-Slum "world" I feel better already, sure some Mohammad is thinking of a way to stuff a minaret up Oh Bamas poop shoot but hey, it ok.

What puzzles me is why they are blaming Bush! What about everything that happened under Clinton? Wasn't he all about the love? The Cole, the Trade Center bombing (they planned the final one under Clinton).

This is Paul Kerseys message to the Moose-Slum world:

Hey Mo, fuck you! I know where you live and I have you targeted. You wanna beat your women, live in a shit hole, dress in a dirty night shirt and wipe your ass with your hand, have at it. BUT, if you mess with the US I will melt your home, your mosque and YOUR ASS!

NOW I fell better


  1. Mr Kersey you still have not said what kind of car you drive!

  2. Listen you little punk, I'll tell you what kinda car I drive, when you come and get your momma out of the trunk!
