Monday, June 8, 2009

Whats wrong with US?

What’s wrong with us?

I’m fairly certain if my father was alive he would be having a hard time understanding some of the events of late. Thousand of Homosexuals lining up to get “married” by city clerks who come in on the on weekend to see the deed done. (When was the last time these city employees came in on the weekend, even when they got overtime) Young folks, being egged on by the same old hippies from the 60’s protesting the war on terrorism and “corporate greed” and just about anything else former President Bush did after the vicious attacks on our country. The people with tears in their eyes openly stating how they voted for President Obama “because he’s black”!!! He would wonder why they feel so guilty! How about that phony, Michael Moore, I don’t know what happened to him and his ilk that made them hate this country, but honestly I think he’s probably never had his ass kicked.
European countries that my Dad was wounded liberating from tyranny are welcoming with open arms the most intolerant group of people the world has ever known who openly profess plans to overthrow the host country, all in the name of tolerance, acceptance and “diversity”. It seems insane. Unfortunately it is starting to happen in this country as well, i.e. “Islamabad” a walled off town in upstate New York where the men spend a good portion of the day on the shooting range!

My Dad, like most of the guys his age that made it through childhood during the depression, then went to fight WWII, (think this “economic crisis” has you down, try being 18 in 1941!, you know you’re in for a fight, perhaps for your life) during which many of them were on ships that were sunk, aircraft shot down and fought the horrific battles on the pacific islands. Then, after enduring all that, most, like my Dad came home got married, raised a family, alot of them working 2 jobs so our mothers could stay at home with children. It took the loss of not one but two children to break my parent’s spirit. As a parent myself I can only wonder how they faired losing my brother, then 21 years later my sister. My older sister and my Dad had a special bond, I’m pretty sure she was his favorite and because of that, she turned out to be a wonderful woman and a great teacher.
My neighborhood was filled with guys just like my Dad, I don’t remember them complaining like I hear our generation and especially the one after mine. I cannot believe the chuckleheads who go save whales and turtles on beautiful Caribbean Islands are held in higher regard than the kid that joins the Marines. Or the university professors who constantly put out anti American propaganda are held in high esteem as “progressive”.
I realize the ‘boomer” and “X” generations are better educated, and in many case more affluent, but ask yourself this question; Do I produce anything I really need? Why do we expect so much, so soon, for so little effort? I’ll tell you why, guys like my Dad made it look easier then we will ever know. There are websites that make fun of all the “hokey” things my Dads generation did, the dinner parties, the postcards they sent, the car trip vacations with the family, things they did to ‘get away” we just can’t understand. These guys worked; They didn’t sit around all day staring at a computer screen and then go mountain biking on $1500 bicycles (kids today don’t even ride bikes, only adults), they actually made the cars, houses, and consumer goods they used. One of my neighbors helped build the Lunar Landing Module. His wife had a crippling disease and he stood by her until she died. Another neighbor was like a second family, they where always there for us. Think of your neighborhood today, it certainly doesn’t sound like mine. The only overseas trips my Dad ever took was to Normandy on a Navy Destroyer (which was sunk off Omaha Beach, the ship was only six month old!) Then off to the pacific to shuttle Marines to the shores of tiny islands to fight the Japanese. He was just a regular guy, a man. I don’t see many of them these days.

Paul Kersey


  1. Paul, what a heart wrenching story, I feel your pain.

  2. That explains why Mr Kersey is the way he is.
