Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Here is another example of why we will fall


After "reading" the above article notice anything strange? How about the following paragraph:

"Some conservative Internet commentators and white supremacist agitators accused the national media of reverse discrimination by failing to give the case involving white victims and black suspects the same attention paid to white-on-black hate crimes.
Investigators said the attack wasn't a hate crime"

What? How about changing Conservative to "Liberal" and white to "Black supremacist"
Never heard or read that? And you never will. These cretins who write this garbage are both cowards and racists. They hate themselves. This is the type of garbage that if not stop or at a minimum not tolerated will be the death of us!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Word From Frank

From the desk of Frank Rizzo:

Paul has graciously let me sit in for him tonight to say a few words. My first rant is about the puff Admiral Mullen that is the chief of staff or something, I got 2 words for this squeak, SHUT UP!!! Everything this guy sez is "We can't do it, we can't stop it, we can't shoot it down, we can't win" Where did they did this sack of #^$% , a gay bar? I know he has Hollywood roots (His mom was pencil sharpener or something glamorous in the 40s. What we need on TV is tough talking Marine General, saying stuff like; "The Taliban?, those homos, we can beat them, but they keep running home to their mommies" This Mullen guy would not have lasted 2 weeks in my neighborhood, how the hell did he get where he is. It just goes to show you, being a boot liking kiss ass really must work. Go back to the desk you crawled out from Mullen and let a real man have the job. No I am not available.
Second, I want to complain about the news, ever watch MSNBC, they represent all the homos, left wing nut jobs and morons, ever watch Fox news? Sure they got better looking blonds, but Hannity and O'Rielly, they are morons. What we need is real news channel that isn't part hate speech, part game show, part water carrying for a political party, no its not CNN

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The One Thing the Moose-Slums got right

Forget about they only wash their feet, or they wear dirty night shirts, or their so damn stupid they will let themselves get talked into blowing themselves up by some uneducated bozo in a straw cap and a dirty beard with chicken and booze in it. But they did get something right, I know, I know you never thought you would hear a kind word about our filthy Moose-Slums , but they did, after all figure out out to hide their extremely ugly women. Have you seen some of the faces behind those Burkas, good God they could scare the ugly off a an orangatans butt. I mean double oo butt ugly. That's not say some Moose-Slum women aren't good looking, there are a few, but they only have to wear a head scarf. Those bearded clam E-Moms deserve some credit for doing us in the western world (since our governments are too stupid and inept to throw them out) a favor. So yeah you heard it here! Damn those big pimples on the da' big noses, good god almighty. I gonna have nightmares tonight.
AndI have one thing to say to all the idiots in the west that have converted to IS-Lam, what the #$% are you thinking?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Road Trip 09

Have you ever taken a road trip lately? I mean a long road trip on the interstates? Not like it was 40 years ago when I, Paul Kersey took my first road trip across country. I had some trouble in NY and they told me to get out of town. So I packed my bags and headed west, but alas trouble found me there also. I can't tell you where but trust me on this, other people troubles became mine very fast. Paul Kersey has a special way about him.
Back to road trips, aren't people nice? They have thier fat little kids who can't shut up, barking dogs, they drive 100mph in SUVs that have a large "High Rollover Hazard" sticker hanging from the visor. Everyone in the car is watching a movie except the driver and he or she is texting. If I have to look at one more "Oh-Bama Mobile" plastered with every dopey liberal bumper sticker I'm gonna let loose Paul Kersey style! My favorite is "God Bless all nations"? All nations uh? I can think of few God himself has taken a shit on, how bout,ummmm ZimBobWay? What was the last good, wait, not evil thing to come out of NiJeeria? I have a theory, just a theory mind you, that even if the earth was hit by a moon sized ASSteroid, a year later 2 Somollys will pop out of the ground to eat the first seedling before it gets a chance to sprout.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A message from Frank Rizzo

Mr Kersey, or may I call you Paul. from all of us here at GDW we want to wish you a very happy birthday and many more.

Frank Rizzo

Shelia Jackass-Lee

I couldn't believe my eyes when MiZ Jack-ass Lee took a phone call from her Dodge dealer so they could tell her the 22DUB 300 was ready! She is a real piece of work. I have always been a fan of this Jack-ass. I'm sorry, no wait, no I'm not but if this thing was any color but chocolate she would have been out on her ass years ago. But the free ride is still firmly in place.

Speaking of which, Oh-Bama is hard at work bringing the country down. I strongly urge you to stock on supplies this could be a bumpy ride in the next few years. Remember you heard it here at GodsDirtyWork!

When the revolution comes its gonna be messy. The Kersey family is prepared but as all of us know the best plans go to hell when the shooting starts. There are many good books on the subject, fewer still that detail or prepare you mentally for the day when the police and military walk away from their cruisers and tanks and go home to protect there own familys, folks like the ACLU shoot themselves, and most other people just hunker down and hope it all goes away, quickly. However, history has shown us that these situations usually get very bad before they get better. Liberal idiots like the leaders we have will ring their little hands and cry. The bullies will come out of the wood work and try to relive grade school, you will almost certainly have to cap those assholes.
I hope, like most of you that day never comes, but looking at the trends and the devisiveness of this country I thinks its inevitable. Bottom line be prepared.

Paul Kersey

Monday, August 3, 2009

We bring you.. the religion of Pieces


The above link will take you to the latest demonstration of peace and love, courtesy of the religion of peace. Islam is all about love, tolerance and forgiveness. Notice there is no commendation of this type of "thing" by the E-Moms!
Where is NOW when Moose-slum women are beaten by thier masters, I mean "husbands"?
I was looking at a website about traveling in Turkey, even this "moderate" Moose-slum country states, "Islam is not just a religion, its a way of life" A way of life, you mean like so very different from democracy? They need a separate system of laws and government? Oh no they don't want to take over the western world they justwant to assimilate, yeah you jackass, WAKE UP..THESE MONSTERS ARE THE ENEMY!
We love you too Mr Hitler, I mean Ahmanejihad