Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The One Thing the Moose-Slums got right

Forget about they only wash their feet, or they wear dirty night shirts, or their so damn stupid they will let themselves get talked into blowing themselves up by some uneducated bozo in a straw cap and a dirty beard with chicken and booze in it. But they did get something right, I know, I know you never thought you would hear a kind word about our filthy Moose-Slums , but they did, after all figure out out to hide their extremely ugly women. Have you seen some of the faces behind those Burkas, good God they could scare the ugly off a an orangatans butt. I mean double oo butt ugly. That's not say some Moose-Slum women aren't good looking, there are a few, but they only have to wear a head scarf. Those bearded clam E-Moms deserve some credit for doing us in the western world (since our governments are too stupid and inept to throw them out) a favor. So yeah you heard it here! Damn those big pimples on the da' big noses, good god almighty. I gonna have nightmares tonight.
AndI have one thing to say to all the idiots in the west that have converted to IS-Lam, what the #$% are you thinking?

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