Sunday, November 29, 2009


Dr Preston Gomez reporting:

Finally, at last, a breath of fresh air, the Swiss have overwhelmingly banned the further construction of Moose-slum minarets. Of course the out crys from the religion of pieces is loud and, well pointed. They say Moose-slums are not safe, not wanted, guess what AK-med, your not wanted, and go back to hell hole you came from and see how Christians and Jews are treated, with all the love and respect you demand from the west, yeah sure. Let the bastard complain, hopefully they can be herded into large rallies where they can be photographed for further action, and hey if some brave kids ( who hasn't been brainwashed by die-versity training) want to throw some red paint to symbolize the Moose-slums favorite color , well that's a plus. Hey AK-med, go back to the Turd World.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

What do you say to a Radicalized Moose-slum

I'm Dr. Preston Gomez filling in for Paul Kersey who is at a secret location enjoying his holidaze and taking his frustration out on unruly appliances.

How many crazed/radicalized Moose-slums are running around the United States? take a guess? Well truth be told I don't think anyone knows for sure, especially the folks we pay to know such things. They are too busy attending diversity meetings. I have heard upwards of 50K hardcore, wanna kill you types. One or more probably live within a hundred miles of you. I have some really bad news if you have a prison nearby, they are breeding grounds. Most Mosks have at least one E-Mom that would willing send some elses dim bulb son or daughter to kill the infidel. What can you do? Not much, as a matter of act you may find yourself at the mercy of a number of die-versity centric organizations if youeven think of "doing something" What would I say to a radicalized Moose-slum. "Come on over to my house jackass, I got something for you"

Saturday, November 21, 2009

What should we do

I was in a crowded place the other day and I noticed a couple of Moose-Slum "families" (lots of kids anyway, why not Unkie Sam will feed them) and I thought 'What if one of these human cockroaches is a suicide bomber?" I'm a little paranoid your thinking right? Well look around the world, its actually fairly common in the hell holes these cockroaches come from. They occasionally practice their religion of pieces in western countries. So why don't we ask, "Why are these people getting a free pass?" If some jackass white guy was wearing a swastika on his shirt I guaren dam tee ya they would either arrest him or throw his out of the establishment. But oh not a Moose-slum, no the idiots actually bow and let them pass on. I gotta tell ya its a matter of time before these roaches figure out they can bomb malls etc. We should have a little bet. If
Al-Ah forbid this does happen lets see how fast the Po-Leese and FIB run to guard the local Mosks. Its a crazy world.

This is "Pray for Paul" week Try going to church

Saturday, November 14, 2009

They should be Shot in New York

First, I was surprised Shake Kaleed was still alive, it just goes to show just how safe Gitmo is. This is the guy that when they captured him sleeping in Paki-stan, they thought he was wearing Mo-hair pajamas, but he was actually naked. I wonder why he didn't "hang" himself in jail? I suggest he be thrown of the Empire State building, but that's just me.

How about our other practitioner of the religion of pieces, the soldier of Al-ah, Col Hasan. I suppose he is getting the best medical care our Army can muster up. I would have though a genuine hero would have pulled the plug or poisoned the rat. Oh well, one can only hope. Did you see our government is closing down a few mosks? There is a glimmer of hope. We love you, you love me we are one big happy family, yeah right.

I have not heard from any good Moose-slums about my offer to pay thier way back to the hell holes they came from. We are just too dam hospitiable, welfare, food stamps, freedom to shout "death to America" from the top of their Sow-Di financed storefront Mosk.
And that goofball head of DHS says the border is now secure, and we can legalize all the illegals.
Dr Michael Savage wrote a peice of genius when he said "liberalism is a mental disorder"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I don't like sugar and I don't like Tea, and I don't like a Moose-Slum yes siree

That's right, I'll say it, I have never met a Moose-slum I liked. I haven't met many but the few I have had the unfortunate experience to meet where like 11th century throwbacks. The women are horrible looking (As I have said before I support the berka for that reason alone. I have seen a few that could scare the stink off a pile Sh#&).
But with that said I'm willing to buy a whole families ticket back to the hell hole they came from. That's right, ole Paul has a heart. If you are a family of Moose-slum and are tired of all our hospitality and christian religious symbols, kids crying when they see your women, I will help you go back. Just contact me Paul Kersey @ "hey Ahmed go @#%^ yourself"
No really just contact me here, I will have one of my not so loyal staff members get you resettled in your favorite hell hole. Its the least I can do.

If you want to help me with this Moose-Slum resettlement program, contact me.
Next we can work on the one of the biggest Moose-slum problem, our prison system. Didn't know there was a problem there, oh yeah, big problem.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

American Moose-slums Fear Backlash?

You gotta be kidding me? Moose-slums fear backlash? From who? The de-maculated America? The Army? The Poe-lease? Like I said you gotta be kidding. Its not going to happen, ever, alright lets get that out of the way. The Moose-slums and their butt buddies the ACLU have got this country so cow toed, the best we can hope for are some tears and brief candlelight vigil, that's it. Some crazed moose-slum kills 13 soldiers in our own country and we get a president who tells of the wonderful world of diversity, a press that tells us it isn't "terrorism" (what is someone killing 13 people on a base shouting allah Akbar? So what if he didn't place a call to Bin-Laden first? ) and the candlelight vigil. Don't get mad, just suck it up, there is more to follow. What's Paul Kersey gonna do? I don't know, but it wont involve a candle.

Start thinking for yourself, if it seems wrong, it probably is. Oh, and buy a gun if you don't already have one and buy ammunition in small quantity's, but often. I suppose we can always hope for piece.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Message from Paul Kersey

In the aftermath of the terrible hate crime committed at a US Army base no less (of course not one of the useless idiot rats in media has used the term hate crime) I think its ok to go into your nearby neighborhood Ma-ssk and shot some Moose-Slums. Just say your under stress. This is a very clear case of the good that diversity gets you. Not one person had the guts to call this Ackmed a nut, a radical, nothing, why? Because of Die-versity, it will be the death of all. All those classes and seminars have made our soldiers and civilians into zombies.

For once, lets not have one of these Damn candlelight vigils, but how about some rage. Some RAGE AGAINST THE MOOSE-SLUM FUDGEPACKERS AND THE GOATS THEY RODE IN ON.
That's all, Paul Kersey