Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I don't like sugar and I don't like Tea, and I don't like a Moose-Slum yes siree

That's right, I'll say it, I have never met a Moose-slum I liked. I haven't met many but the few I have had the unfortunate experience to meet where like 11th century throwbacks. The women are horrible looking (As I have said before I support the berka for that reason alone. I have seen a few that could scare the stink off a pile Sh#&).
But with that said I'm willing to buy a whole families ticket back to the hell hole they came from. That's right, ole Paul has a heart. If you are a family of Moose-slum and are tired of all our hospitality and christian religious symbols, kids crying when they see your women, I will help you go back. Just contact me Paul Kersey @ "hey Ahmed go @#%^ yourself"
No really just contact me here, I will have one of my not so loyal staff members get you resettled in your favorite hell hole. Its the least I can do.

If you want to help me with this Moose-Slum resettlement program, contact me.
Next we can work on the one of the biggest Moose-slum problem, our prison system. Didn't know there was a problem there, oh yeah, big problem.

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