Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Special Post-I'm disgusted

This is special post as I am feeling particularly bad today. Everywhere I go I see the disintegration of our once great nation. Is it me or is half the country made up of middle aged men faking some kind of disability? I see men and woman some weighing as much as a small car riding these overworked motorized shopping carts filling them with fatty foods, then using food stamp credit cards to pay for it all! Just today I saw a slouching weakling trying to push a shopping cart with his “Veterans for Obama” shirt, a camo hat from china complete with 25 pcs of bling. This guy probably served 2 years in a supply warehouse in Georgia and is now a “disabled veteran”. And of course these people are all in for Obama. If this fraud wins next week or 2 months later when the supreme court has to pick a winner, we are all the losers. Instead of the commie goobly gook they make kids read in school these days, the novel “Atlas Shrugged” should be mandatary .reading And instead of teaching kids about condoms and birth control they should be taking a class in how to manage finances and not money that comes from the government. I’m going to take a nap, I’m disgusted!! Paul Kersey

What Failure?

I can hear the conservation now, the disgusting 2nd generation commie Axlerod saying to the other 2nd generation commie Obama “Barry, just wait a week or 2 this whole Benghazi thing will go away, you can’t afford a scandal right now”. This is what’s going on, this weak kneed commie that got himself elected President is doing exactly what the sociopath Clinton did with the 5 terror attacks that were committed during his tenure, either let them “go away” or treat them as “police matters” to be “investigated”. It makes me sick to think of those brave folks calling in for help and some gelding general or admiral passing the buck up to the white house who tells them, “The Prez is meeting with Beyonce and Jay Z, call back tomorrow”. Try to imagine for a minute this same scenario and how would it have played out during the Reagan years. Obama and his commie friends are a national disgrace. Yeah, he will hire a few more incompetent teachers and everything will fine. We are in deep, deep trouble, and if you listen to mainstream media, there are no problems, just vote for Obama and everything will be alright. The human hemorrhoid, F. Chuck Todd of NBC should be ashamed of himself. I hope he is writing off the campaign work he is doing pro-bono for Obama. I know Hannity is writing off his for Romney. Paul Kersey

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Another Kind of Storm is on the Horizon

For many of our readers, one storm is over but what could turn out to be a much more dangerous is the coming storm associated with the upcoming election day. My fear is that if Obama loses, which is still a big if, sadly, he may unleash his millions of worshipers to whom he has provided more than just phones and food stamps, to these morons he is something of a messiah. Many of them see Obama has their only hope, a simple way out of the messes they have made of their lives. To normal hardworking people this probably sounds impossible but I have met some of these subhumans, take the “woman” in the Obamaphone video on YouTube and you get the message. Most were born losers, that is from the people who made them who themselves were deficient in many ways, to the lack of basic care as newborns to the exposure to a bad diet, drugs alcohol and porn. These people let the few chances they could have hoped for slip away every time they skipped school to get high, or “hook up” or worse, commit crimes against the very people in their own “community”, every time they made a bad decision the small chance they had to amount to anything slipped away. Later in life they begin look outside themselves for answers and yes, to blame for their condition. It’s the easy thing to do. Then comes someone like Obama, who tells them, “Its not your fault you live like that, it’s the rich guys, the wall street types who have stolen your piece of the pie”, this is music to their ears, “Damn, it aint’ me after all dawg” they say to each other. But then, once again the empty promises of the left leave them worse, oh yeah , they are getting $100 more a month in food stamps but the cost of a 40 and weed is going up $100/mo. So now, when the messiah is booted from office and low and behold a “rich guy” gets elected who they have been told all their lives is stealing from them, what happens? Well, lets hope we all find out. Paul Kersey

Monday, October 29, 2012

Take Action, for those Obama forgot.

The time has come for you to act. The cover up by the Obama regime and his minions in the media like F. Chuck Todd and Rachel Madcow, forget the morons like “rev Al Sharton, he can’t help himself, but the others in Obamas media machine should know better need to be held resposable. The cover up of what happened to the 4 Americans in Benghazi last month is a national disgrace. You must act by contacting your representives and demand a trial be held to hold anyone found responsible for the lack of planning and action that led to the deaths of these individuals, Obama, Secretary of State Clinton to name a few have repeatedly lied to the American people must held responsible. Take action, they didn’t. The people who call themselves “journalist” are again, a disgrace, I can only imagine what these same frauds would do if President Bush was in office when this debacle occurred. Paul Kersey

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Your Chance to Save the World, November 6th

I read an interesting book recently, to summarize it takes place in the not too distant future, most of the western world has collapsed into chaos, and racing to fill the void are Muslim extremists and other groups who promise to bring law and order as they are told to do in their “good book, the koran”. What was interesting is how the western countries failed, massive immigration and very low birthrates of the native people who of course pay to feed and house many of these immigrants. A drugged, stupefied population told everywhere that ok is good enough, and slowly but surely they fell apart. It was to say the least a very sad read, the heros if there are any are small bands of “travelers” who are fighting to stay alive however they can, some have larger goals, to bring back civilization. If you look around today this scenario is not far off the mark. These next few days are truly a turning point not just for the United States but for the western world as a whole. I truly believe Obama hates western culture, is racist, and would gladly drive this once great nation into the ground to achieve his demented goal of worldwide “equality” and mediocracy. The goal of all mediocre gelding men since the beginning of time. You have a chance to change the course of history and send this fraud packing. I would gladly give him the first kick out the door. Paul Kersey

Friday, October 26, 2012

Obama's "woman"

The newest add for the Obama propaganda campaign that shows a pearly white young woman stating coyly that “her first time was with Obama”, forget the creepy fact that the womans last name is the same as his jungle fevered momma, Dunham, and that she appears drugged. Only a truly psychotic liberal could not see the real war on women is being waged by the insane liberals on the left. I know a young man who only picks up liberal, Obama supporters for 2 reasons, the first being its easy, and 2 you can kick them out of the car at 7am and THEY will call him later in the day. Most had no real father figure or if they did he was a very weak “feminist type” These are the women who at 50 are driving around in beat up Hondas, wacked out on anti depressants, their hair is straggly and grey and the Obama 08, “diversity” and “Coexist” bumper stickers are faded. They have not been touched by a man they were not paying since college and love Obama and are the most INTOLERANT people who could ever wish to not meet. But enough about the typical white Obama supporter. For those of you who have seen the movie 2016 know a little more about this fraud and his “family” the most startling part was his trashy momma, I want to know more about how she turned out that way, I get the impression there was something wrong with Grandpa Dunham, interesting stuff. Good Night Paul Kersey

Thursday, October 25, 2012

We must act now-before its too late

Good Evening to all of you. Many of you are under the impression that we live in a democracy with a free press. Nothing could be further from the truth. I myself have been a victim of harassment from the Homeland Insecurity geldings. But the most striking example of the demise of this country is how the messiah of the leftist press lets Obama off the hook by not or under reporting his evil, anti American activities. The latest of which is his denial that the attack in Benghazi was a result of terrorism and the subsequent cover up. NBC and ABC are not even covering it and CBS barely mentioned it. If you are not disturbed by this, you should be. I don’t know how long we have not had a free press, I know they tried to destroy Bush 43 with fraudulent documents which cost the liberal lackey Dan Rather his job. I don’t know when the time to rise up will be, but I can surely tell you if we keep on this trajectory of liberal insanity it won’t be long. There is now a full class of people who have never and probably will never work a day in their sorry lives. Wether it be daily drug/alcohol abuse or just plain mental problems along with a dose of laziness, I don’t know. But at some point, when this class gets too big to support, there will be blood. I truly hope that day never comes but it certainly appear likely. If you need a glimpse into what that day may look like, watch the “lowlites” of the lowlifes at work during the so called Rodney King riots in LA. Look who they went after, and what the police DID NOT do to protect the lives and property of the people caught up in that. We must turn this!! Paul Kersey

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

There is Hope

My Fellow Americans, I am proud to announce I am back, I was in hiding once again. But the good news is what brings me back, good news that there is hope in the world. First, that the US is not populated by subhumans looking for a handout, and Romney may in fact beat back the gelding President and his army of lunatics. Secondly, and perhaps as important is people are rising up in France against the barbarians invasion. Approximately 100 patriots (that is not the term the communist, multicultral French government is using) have camped out at the site of another victory mosque, on none other than the site of the what is undoubtably the most significant battle in the history of man, Portier, now known as Tours, where Charles “the Hammer” Martel stopped the muslim horde in their tracks and turned them back for centuries. Unfortunately they are now back, welcomed by an insane liberal government who feed, house and give free healthcare so they can overpopulate France and conquer from within. Well, it seems at least 100 brave Frenchman have decided enough is enough. We at GodsDirtyWork wish these brave patriots well and support their efforts to stop the multicultral madness sweeping Europe and the entire western world. I hope to be able write to you each day from now on, and bring together the brave souls who are willing to speak out against the likes of Barrack Hussein Obama, and other weak, communist leaders who bow in front of the very subhumans would cut their throat if they do not covert to their insane ideology known as Islam. Thanks you for being patient. Paul Kersey 23 Oct 2012