Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What Failure?

I can hear the conservation now, the disgusting 2nd generation commie Axlerod saying to the other 2nd generation commie Obama “Barry, just wait a week or 2 this whole Benghazi thing will go away, you can’t afford a scandal right now”. This is what’s going on, this weak kneed commie that got himself elected President is doing exactly what the sociopath Clinton did with the 5 terror attacks that were committed during his tenure, either let them “go away” or treat them as “police matters” to be “investigated”. It makes me sick to think of those brave folks calling in for help and some gelding general or admiral passing the buck up to the white house who tells them, “The Prez is meeting with Beyonce and Jay Z, call back tomorrow”. Try to imagine for a minute this same scenario and how would it have played out during the Reagan years. Obama and his commie friends are a national disgrace. Yeah, he will hire a few more incompetent teachers and everything will fine. We are in deep, deep trouble, and if you listen to mainstream media, there are no problems, just vote for Obama and everything will be alright. The human hemorrhoid, F. Chuck Todd of NBC should be ashamed of himself. I hope he is writing off the campaign work he is doing pro-bono for Obama. I know Hannity is writing off his for Romney. Paul Kersey

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