Sunday, October 28, 2012

Your Chance to Save the World, November 6th

I read an interesting book recently, to summarize it takes place in the not too distant future, most of the western world has collapsed into chaos, and racing to fill the void are Muslim extremists and other groups who promise to bring law and order as they are told to do in their “good book, the koran”. What was interesting is how the western countries failed, massive immigration and very low birthrates of the native people who of course pay to feed and house many of these immigrants. A drugged, stupefied population told everywhere that ok is good enough, and slowly but surely they fell apart. It was to say the least a very sad read, the heros if there are any are small bands of “travelers” who are fighting to stay alive however they can, some have larger goals, to bring back civilization. If you look around today this scenario is not far off the mark. These next few days are truly a turning point not just for the United States but for the western world as a whole. I truly believe Obama hates western culture, is racist, and would gladly drive this once great nation into the ground to achieve his demented goal of worldwide “equality” and mediocracy. The goal of all mediocre gelding men since the beginning of time. You have a chance to change the course of history and send this fraud packing. I would gladly give him the first kick out the door. Paul Kersey

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