Tuesday, October 23, 2012

There is Hope

My Fellow Americans, I am proud to announce I am back, I was in hiding once again. But the good news is what brings me back, good news that there is hope in the world. First, that the US is not populated by subhumans looking for a handout, and Romney may in fact beat back the gelding President and his army of lunatics. Secondly, and perhaps as important is people are rising up in France against the barbarians invasion. Approximately 100 patriots (that is not the term the communist, multicultral French government is using) have camped out at the site of another victory mosque, on none other than the site of the what is undoubtably the most significant battle in the history of man, Portier, now known as Tours, where Charles “the Hammer” Martel stopped the muslim horde in their tracks and turned them back for centuries. Unfortunately they are now back, welcomed by an insane liberal government who feed, house and give free healthcare so they can overpopulate France and conquer from within. Well, it seems at least 100 brave Frenchman have decided enough is enough. We at GodsDirtyWork wish these brave patriots well and support their efforts to stop the multicultral madness sweeping Europe and the entire western world. I hope to be able write to you each day from now on, and bring together the brave souls who are willing to speak out against the likes of Barrack Hussein Obama, and other weak, communist leaders who bow in front of the very subhumans would cut their throat if they do not covert to their insane ideology known as Islam. Thanks you for being patient. Paul Kersey 23 Oct 2012

1 comment:

  1. Thank God that you and Dr Michael Savage are back, yes there is hope. Now we must all work to defeat the fraud BHO.
