Thursday, October 25, 2012

We must act now-before its too late

Good Evening to all of you. Many of you are under the impression that we live in a democracy with a free press. Nothing could be further from the truth. I myself have been a victim of harassment from the Homeland Insecurity geldings. But the most striking example of the demise of this country is how the messiah of the leftist press lets Obama off the hook by not or under reporting his evil, anti American activities. The latest of which is his denial that the attack in Benghazi was a result of terrorism and the subsequent cover up. NBC and ABC are not even covering it and CBS barely mentioned it. If you are not disturbed by this, you should be. I don’t know how long we have not had a free press, I know they tried to destroy Bush 43 with fraudulent documents which cost the liberal lackey Dan Rather his job. I don’t know when the time to rise up will be, but I can surely tell you if we keep on this trajectory of liberal insanity it won’t be long. There is now a full class of people who have never and probably will never work a day in their sorry lives. Wether it be daily drug/alcohol abuse or just plain mental problems along with a dose of laziness, I don’t know. But at some point, when this class gets too big to support, there will be blood. I truly hope that day never comes but it certainly appear likely. If you need a glimpse into what that day may look like, watch the “lowlites” of the lowlifes at work during the so called Rodney King riots in LA. Look who they went after, and what the police DID NOT do to protect the lives and property of the people caught up in that. We must turn this!! Paul Kersey

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