Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I would like to take have a frank (no offense Mr Rizzo) and open discussion about anything that ends in "roid" Take the obvious, Hemorrhoids, now theres something nobody wants. Next, asteroids (incidentally have nothing to do with "Ass") these destroyers from space can ruin your day, in fact worse than a case of hemorrhoids. How about steroids, look what they do to people who use them, they all look like cavemen, the gaps in their teeth are big enough to drive a truck through!
the moral of the story is anything roids is not good. I know we have gotten a little off the rails here at GDW, I promise we will get back to Oh Bama bashing ASAP.

Paul Kersey

From the Desk of Mr Frank Rizzo

Listen all you fruit cakes out there. Mr Kersey has been kind enough to give a space on his Blog.

I want to respond to some of the ludicrous accusation I have an anger problem. That is all in my past. I don't wanna talk it about it alright. The car salesman job was a mistake as well as the auto mechanic job. Both of which I had problems with my #$%ing boss. You can say we had a difference of opinion alright, nuff said, lets move on, its 2009 and we got problems alright, we got a real jerk in the White house. Who is backed by a bunch of left wing pantie raiders. Believe me, they do not want to run into me. I'm liable to flair up like a pack of hemr.........wait , I forgot my anger! Serenity Now, Serenity Now.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Message from my potential campaign manager

Good Evening, I would like you to spend a few minutes getting to know the man that would manage my campaign should I make a run at the presidency in 2012, thank you!

Hello, friends and followers of Paul Kersey, my name is Frank Rizzo. I am leading the charge to get Paul to run in 2012. Let me begin by letting you know where I stand. 1) Barack Hussein Obama is an inexperienced, incompetent, tribute to the shortcomings of affirmative action. I believe this man has a chip on his shoulders about women, white men, and America in general.
2) This country must stop letting in immigrant who don't believe in our system of government, 3rd world mental and physical deficients who will never be able to support themselves and probably are a drain on the medical system.
3)We need to make Chinese goods more difficult to buy in this country, they own us and if we don't stop this drain of jobs we will turn in the Eloy from the book the time machine. In case you haven't read the book or seen the movies, never mind go read the book or rent the video, do the homework yourself .

Now about myself, I am a democrats worst nightmare!
Thanks, Frank Rizzo

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday Night

I have been receiving numerous requests to run for the Presidency of the United States in the past weeks. During my recent forced exile I have mulled this question. I have even been offered funding for the campaign should I choose to run for office. At this time I cannot rule out a run for the highest office in the land but I would need the support of many different organizations. thank you all for your support.
I would hope for a military coup, bloodless if possible, but I'm afraid most military leaders are too busy thinking of new ways to preach diversity and tolerance. Even our current illegitimate president Mr Oh Bama is saying "Victory is not important in Afghanistan" If that's the case lets leave now! To our Marines, and soldiers, we need you here at home. Our borders are under attack. Our hearts go out to the family of the Border Patrol agent murdered last Friday by a couple of Frito Banditos. We must stop Oh Bama from giving these freeloaders amnesty. Don't let this agents death be in vain. Have you ever thought who Oh Bama and Fancy Peptolosi are referring to when they cry "14 million AMERICANS don't have access to health care" I got news for scar face, they are not Americans and its 125 million mexicans who don't have access to health care, but that's not our problem.
Last, but not least, to our so called "leaders" STOP LETTING DIRT BAG MUSLIMS INTO THE US" we don't owe them jack squat. If they can't "tolerate" the hell holes they come from, let them move to some other country, say MEXICO! They must be short, say 30 million citizens.
What are your thoughts?

Paul Kersey

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Look Around

Good Evening,

As some of you may know I have been a victim of a vicious campaign byJanet Napolitano and her brown shirted, jack booted thugs. Your President OhBomba is waging a secret war against me, Paul Kersey and the entire "GodsDirty Work" organization. Some of my esteemed colleges have been fighting agallant but losing battle against these well armed and funded thugs. I cansay this however, WE WILL PREVAIL! I ask that you support me anyway you can. We need money to buy ammunition;dry goods, bricks and steel for strengthening our fortifications. Their aimis capture me, Paul Kersey dead or alive. I will not be taken and paraded ina circus court. Join with me in our fight for Truth, Justice and theAmerican way

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pray for Paul Kersey

9 July 09

By now you are probably wondering where is Paul Kersey, why has he not communicated with us?
I am prepared now to tell you I have been hiding in my secret and secure Liar, away from the prying eyes of Homeland Security and other government agencies. At one point I thought they may have found me, as a Blackhawk helicopter hovered over the location. I was prepared to shoot it down. But luckily for them they left abruptly.
Now down to the business of Truth, Justice and American way!
My sources close to the LAPD have stated that Michael Jackson actually died of food poising. He actually ate a 5 year old wiener.
Paul Kersey is back from hiding, Janet if you want me, keep trying.