Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I would like to take have a frank (no offense Mr Rizzo) and open discussion about anything that ends in "roid" Take the obvious, Hemorrhoids, now theres something nobody wants. Next, asteroids (incidentally have nothing to do with "Ass") these destroyers from space can ruin your day, in fact worse than a case of hemorrhoids. How about steroids, look what they do to people who use them, they all look like cavemen, the gaps in their teeth are big enough to drive a truck through!
the moral of the story is anything roids is not good. I know we have gotten a little off the rails here at GDW, I promise we will get back to Oh Bama bashing ASAP.

Paul Kersey

1 comment:

  1. Kids, listen to your Uncle Paul and just say no to the roids!
