Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Message from my potential campaign manager

Good Evening, I would like you to spend a few minutes getting to know the man that would manage my campaign should I make a run at the presidency in 2012, thank you!

Hello, friends and followers of Paul Kersey, my name is Frank Rizzo. I am leading the charge to get Paul to run in 2012. Let me begin by letting you know where I stand. 1) Barack Hussein Obama is an inexperienced, incompetent, tribute to the shortcomings of affirmative action. I believe this man has a chip on his shoulders about women, white men, and America in general.
2) This country must stop letting in immigrant who don't believe in our system of government, 3rd world mental and physical deficients who will never be able to support themselves and probably are a drain on the medical system.
3)We need to make Chinese goods more difficult to buy in this country, they own us and if we don't stop this drain of jobs we will turn in the Eloy from the book the time machine. In case you haven't read the book or seen the movies, never mind go read the book or rent the video, do the homework yourself .

Now about myself, I am a democrats worst nightmare!
Thanks, Frank Rizzo


  1. Frank Rizzo...? That name sounds familiar..

  2. Frank, I heard you anger problem. Is your termper still fairing like a pack of hemroids.
