Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Look Around

Good Evening,

As some of you may know I have been a victim of a vicious campaign byJanet Napolitano and her brown shirted, jack booted thugs. Your President OhBomba is waging a secret war against me, Paul Kersey and the entire "GodsDirty Work" organization. Some of my esteemed colleges have been fighting agallant but losing battle against these well armed and funded thugs. I cansay this however, WE WILL PREVAIL! I ask that you support me anyway you can. We need money to buy ammunition;dry goods, bricks and steel for strengthening our fortifications. Their aimis capture me, Paul Kersey dead or alive. I will not be taken and paraded ina circus court. Join with me in our fight for Truth, Justice and theAmerican way