Monday, December 28, 2009

Africanized Killer Moose-slums

I am taking a break from writing my Manifesto to comment on the latest pin prick from the pricks at the "religion of pieces" better known as Iz-slahm. Now they have recruited moronic Africans to blow there asses to kingdom come. What will these genius E-Moms think of next?
Do you think they are really just part of the world wide perverts? They are a bunch of cornholers, just ask little Johnny Bid Laden, his ass is still burning from a right good rogering by Mulla O-mar. These people are the enemy. Thank God there was a least one man onboard to fight this Africanized killer radicalized African.
This will continue until we stop them in our streets, in the airports and tear down those dam MOSKs, they don't just shit there, they are planning your demise!!!!

Back to my Manifesto-times a wastin'
Paul Kersey, looking forward to 2010, when we finally find the courage to stop this insane policy of "Die-vesirty" and "political correctness", and FIGHT BACK

Friday, December 25, 2009

My present to the western world

In the coming weeks you will only hear from me sporadically, as I will be going into deep hiding in an undisclosed location to pen my present to the west. It will be a Manifesto for the west to use as a response to the war IZ-lamic cornholers have declared against the west. This document will carefully outline what must be done not just by governments but by the people, us. The time has come for us to act, if our governments won't then who? This "attack" on the pope is most certainly a test by Moose-slums of his Holiness's security. All around the world in Moose-slum countries from Turkey, to Iraq and Paki-shit-a-stan Christians are facing government condoned persecution, while we, the idiots in the west allow not thousands but millions of brainwashed, illiterate moose-slums into our country who openly shout for our demise! Remember Lebanon in the 1970s, "oh that can't happen here" you say, think again, it already is!
I promise this manifesto will be a guiding light and possibly what saves us and future generations. Please be patient

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A time to Celebrate

For all of us here at GodsDirtyWork we received some early Christmas cheer, a present of sorts. Colonel Urinal Assan's E-Mom is dead, not just dead, a drone blew up his house with his little boy friends and kids. He is now in corn hole heaven with his 72 virgin boys. Talk about making my day, if only some patriotic doctor or nurse could inject some deadly substance that would slowly and painfully kill Col. Urinal Assan. That's too much to ask this Christmas.

To all the millions of you, who in my mind read this blog, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Keep praying for miracles.

Remember, its important to get even

Paul Kersey

Friday, December 18, 2009

A Christmas Message to the World

First, I would like to wish all of you very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. I have a wish list for 2010, I hope you do as well, here is my top 5 hopes for 2010;
1) Osama Bin Laden is caught, or killed (slowly I hope)
2) The Moose-slums keep killing each other-pick up the pace, please, thank you
3) We get the hell out of Afgan-a shit-astan and come home with a major victory
4) I win the lottery
5) the little punks that stole my Christmas lights electrocute themselves somehow.

Its not much to ask for, as I Paul Kersey have just about everything I want, including this blog which no one reads, but I enjoy making believe millions do. Merry Christmas. The hell with you, Stock up on ammo

Monday, December 14, 2009

E-Mom the bearded Clam

Read the following quote;
Muslim leaders said Friday the five American youths arrested in Pakistan for allegedly attempting to join the al Qaeda network were lured through the Internet into embracing terrorist ideology and that they will wage a cyber counterattack.
"This is a wake-up call involving our youths — Muslims and Catholics," Imam Mahdi Bray said outside the Islamic Circle of North American Center, the Northern Virginia mosque in which the men worshipped and participated in youth-group activities. "They see great injustices, and their emotions and passions are stirred, as they should be. …

I have some news for you "E-MOM Bray" Its too late for your another of your coded apologies about radicalized Moose-slums. I have had secret meetings with a group of radicals that guess what "E-Mom" they are out to defend Catholicism There plans are secret but what they did say is that in the event of another of your "emotional outbursts, or stirred up passion" happens they will settle up with Moose-slums in this country in a way that will help all you bearded clams meet Ah-lah. KOSJ

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I'm a "hater"?

As you can read the comment on my last post I have been accused of being a hater. I suppose if you talk about Truth, Justice and the American way (it is the best ) your a hater. If I may I would like to direct you to a man of God, a visionary who speaks the truth and pays the price. "His own people" have condemned him for speaking the truth, but he perseveres. One day individuals like Pastor Manning, Dr Micheal Savage and yours truly will be hailed as the hero's we are. Visionaries who saw what was happening and tried to do something about it. These are three truths that the entire world is in denial about:
1) Moose-slums are hell bent on converting the world by any means necessary, don't be fooled by the "moderates" standing on the sidelines-waiting.

2) Africa is @#$%ed up and beyond help. It should be left to go back to its natural state and hopefully it' s people can live in simplicity and peace. All foreign powers out-NOW

3) There is an Axis of evil, but its not who you think, its marxists, Moose-slums and worldwide perverts.

Visit Pastor Mannings website and behold the truth as told by true profit

Friday, December 11, 2009

The following is an essay by Paul Kersey on "the Climate Crisis

I hear its getting warmer in some places? It is? I sure as hell can't tell, I'm sitting here with the heater blasting and a cold rain coming down, I hear there has been record snow in parts of the country. But lets assume for moment it is "getting warmer". So what, I love the heat, if it gets too hot turn the a/c on, go for a swim! Maybe Canada can grow more food and Iowa can feed the rest of Africa, what the hell, they are all standing in line for a handout anyway. The news show parched soil and people standing around starving over there, in the 50's and 60-'s they tried to show Africans how to farm and feed themselves but they soon discovered it was alot easier to stand in line and wait for the UN (the US). Besides most of the men, when they are not killing each other are chasing and raping the poor women, maybe we should just arm and train the women of Africa? The other hell holes of the world can dry up and blow away, who cares? the oil is safely stored beneath the ground.
The bottom line is Paul Kersey wants warmer winters and warmer summers, it can rain less (I have sprinklers). Lets stop this nonsense, hell, it gets warmer every summer and colder in the winter. The earth has cooled and warmed many times. I don't like those noisy low wattage, light bulbs and I don't like low flow tur-lets. I keep jammin em' up! I don't like a cold tur-let seats either, so let it get warm.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Well What do you know?

Anti-Islam Protesters Clash With Police in England
Saturday, December 05, 2009
LONDON — Police clashed with anti-Islamist protesters Saturday in the English city of Nottingham.
Nottinghamshire Police said they made 11 arrests for public-order offenses as several hundred demonstrators from the English Defense League marched through the city, 125 miles north of London. Some waved red-and-white English flags and shouted, "We want our country back."
They were met by a rival group of anti-fascist protesters, and mounted police formed cordons between the sides.
The league has held a series of protests across Britain in the last few months. In each city they have been met by counter-demonstrators, and skirmishes have broken out.
The group says it is not racist and only opposes militant Islam. But its members have chanted anti-Muslim slogans and made Nazi salutes.

As you can see by the article above there is once again a glimmer of hope for the free world. I have always been fascinated when the "anti-fascism" bozos come out to protest people who marching for their country back? Notice these same puffs never come out to protest Moose-slums who are chanting "death to England", "death to all who defile IS-Lahm", really? These little perverts wouldn't know a fascist was if they chopped their little heads off. Their puffs, forget about them, they will roll the second they know they are in the slightest danger or their gay fathers and mothers get mad at them.

Paul Kersey, listening to his Dean Martin Christmas music with my friend Jack Daniels.
I long for the good ole daze when you could drive along the interstate and shop for a nice Christmas tree, then pull the truck over and make like you are changing a flat and quickly saw one down, throw it in the back and surprise the family with a real fresh cut Christmas tree. Then use the $25 for a bottle of hooch.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lets git it on AK-med

First I want to thank my good friend and colleague Preston Gomez for filling in and allowing me to take care of some very important business. Dr Preston has returned to his practice.

Now for the topic of today. Presidente Oh-Bama is going to send 30 thousand more troops to Afgan-a-crap-astan and then they will leave in 18 months. Sounds like a plan. Lets support him and these troops. Really, do you want them fail? I know this bucks the trend but I have to stand behind the folks who defend us.
Thank goodness that cop killer has been killed. Nice guy, Ole Huck-a-bee should have thought that one out a little bit before releasing him.
I would really like to see an a declaration of war on Is-Laham. I know there are probably some very innocent folks among them, but I'll bet there were a few of those in Dresden and Hiroshima during WWII. Really has there been any movement from "mainstream Moose-slums" to stop this madness? The answer is absolutely not. Paul Kersey sez, lets git it on AK-med. And get this dam war over with.