Thursday, November 29, 2012

I saw a graph not long ago that was trying to show how workplace accidents were falling due the creation of the federal agency known as OSHA (the occupational health and safety know nothings) in 1971. But, if you look at the graph of workplace accidents since from the 1940s, to 2007 you see, 1971 is just a point in a 45 deg down slope. In other words, the creation of OSHA most likely has had NOTHING to do with workplace safety. This is interesting on a number of levels because I contend as I wrote in my previous post that even the so called “war on poverty” has had no positive impact on the poor, and worse, it has picked the pockets of working people to the tune of hundreds of billions over the years. The so called poor, are now stuck in a whirlpool of borrowed government money that has ruined thier lives. In almost all cases when the morons of the government get involved in any part of your life, the results are not good for you or the cause of liberty. Beware the do-gooders, for they do no good! Paul Kersey

Don't be Fooled Again

The “Lord and Savior” of the no loads is not the first President to think he can save those who cannot be saved from thier own destructive behavior. It actually started in earnest with Woodrow Wilson, arguably the worst President ever. But the patron saint of giveaways has got to be FDR. Every insane liberal worships at his alter. Then what many call the nail in the coffin of self reliance was President Johnsons “war on poverty”. This war (it should have been named the war on working people) gave every no-load and mental deficient a reason and excuse why they can’t support themselves or thier offspring, who have multiplied by the millions and stand albeit wobbly behind their “Lord and Savior” BroncoObama. These subhumans are now a permeant part of the western culture, some 4 generations deep in a culture of abuse, of you name it, they abuse it. They are the underclass of criminals, murders, addicts and the rising tide of dwellers of the monuments to the underclass, public housing. You see these bums are not the “homeless”. There is no family, no connection to religion or country, they just “are”. The guilty, ill inspired lefts so called “war on poverty” created and perpetuates this underclass, who I doubt can ever be lifted out of thier despair. And don’t be fooled, this not a benign problem, this underclass is ready to take much, much more from who ever they can. They now have a sponsor in the white house, thier “Lord and Savior”

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

BHO maybe smiling at you but he is not your Friend

Your “Lord and Savior” your President, BroncoBama is not your friend, he is not a “cult of personality”, he is not even qualified to be President. I know that hurts some of you, your “feelings” may be frayed, but it is the truth. What BHO has going for him is the ever growing legion of drugged, drunk, lazy and guilt ridden morons who think this no-load is everything the media says about him. This man you elected President will run this once great country into the ground. Its not Romney’s fault for being too “straight laced” or the GOP not being “inclusive”, it’s that legion I mentioned and if we don’t cut these space cadets off very soon, we will be living IN THIER ZOO. BHO may very well get to appoint one or more SCJOUS. If you think those 2 freaks Soda-Meyer and that fat freak Kagan are bad, think again, he was being MODERATE because he had to consider his reelection, he could appoint Eric Holder or the rotting soul of Saul Alinsky! This is serious stuff. We have one more small chance to stop this communist in 2014. I know the GOP is a bunch of wavering check pants golfers, but we need time to develop a new conservative/libertarian party. Lets get some candidates and take back the senate. Before its too late.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanks again BroncoBama

The last "Threat" in this series of posts, "thieving immigrants" will not be posted, I am sure that the "Lord and Savior" of the poor and down trodden, BroncoBama will grant them all amnesty and they are free to pick the pockets of working Americans, just like every other no load American can. Thank You BroncoBama. Paul Kersey

Your friendly "neighbors"

I ask that the insane liberal freaks that cried when thier “Lord and Savior” BroncoBama was reelected to pay special attention to this piece because one of the side effects of your disease, liberalism, is that you have lost your sense of self survival. So please, pay attention, it just might save your life. Here is a little test for you morons, Do you think it would have been a good idea to import millions of swastika wearing Nazis before WW2? Now remember your hate of organized religion, and I’m not talking about the long haired freak in Sedona that you had sex with because he told you some mumbo jumbo about the ‘sacred rocks”, I mean Christianity and Judaism,? No? Bad idea? Then why in Gods name do you allow your government to import berka clad, and bearded men in dirty night shirts with tire sandals? And to provide a free existence to them in your town? Did you know these same followers of the religion of peace have enclaves throughout rural American where they spend half the day target shooting and the other reading the book that tells them to kill or convert you and your family (if you have one)? No, didn’t know that, do you think it’s a good idea? THEN WAKE UP, STOP SMOKING POT, ITS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!!! America and indeed all western nations have opened thier doors to the Nazis of the 21st century, although strangely these Nazis are stuck in the 10th century. We bring them in, whole families, multiple wives, 10 children, parents, grand/great parents, the beared E-Moms who spews hate filled messages in the converted warehouses, packed rug to rug, and isn’t it lovely that they can do this at any time because NONE OF THEM WORK!!. The time is past when we should have all petitioned our government to stop this liberal insanity, but as I said that time is long gone. There are now millions of them in large and small enclaves throughout this once great nation. They treat their woman worse than most of us treat our dogs, but for some strange reason the hags at NAG are silent. They walk around town shopping with carefree abandon WITH YOUR MONEY!!!. Its too late, but I suggest you never leave your home unless you are armed in some form. Call me paranoid if you want, but I think it is just a matter of time before one of these brainwashed bearded psychos dresses up in one of his wives berkas and shoots up a mall. I wish I was wrong, but just visit your local “Mosque” and listen in, read thier so called “good book”, you, yes you, you brainwashed “multiculturalism" believing freak are square in the sights of thier AKs (thats one of those evil guns you hate so much, but they love em). Oh and one more thing, while you are working hard at the software company for 12 hours a day and forgoing children for a variety of reasons such as you can’t afford them, your berka clad “neighbors” are rapidly breeding you out of existence and YOUR PAYING FOR IT, I just thought you may want to know.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The 2nd largest problem facing America-DRUGS

You’ve seen them, they are everywhere, the wacked out middle aged woman that stares at people or items in the store. She has probably been taking increasingly large doses of her favorite anti depressant to ease the pain of hating everything in her life. It probably started years ago when she drove her husband away and realized years later he was her one chance at love. She regrets never having children or if by chance she did, they too, are wacked out zombies on meth or pot. Or the 50 year old man who smokes pot all day everyday because he still thinks it “cool” These perpetual “children” all have one common problem, they refuse to grow up and accept that many days, life just sucks. But they cannot accept reality, so they go to the friendly neighborhood drug dealer who may or may not be an MD, and get something to makes them feel better about being a loser in love and life. We are a nation of drugged morons, and that is a big reason that Kenyan American was re elected. A straight laced guy like Romney makes them feel “uncomfortable” because he is living proof that traditional living breeds success and happiness. But the drugged morons watch thier favorite television shows that almost always show a gay, weak man, a slut woman and a smart assed little punk for a child. And they idolize these fictional dopes. Drug use, both legal and illegal has soared in the last 20 years, along with the increased use is the potency of these drugs. Go into the doctors office and tell him you are feeling “blue” he won’t talk to about how you feel but in 5 minutes you will be on your way to the drug store to pick up a prescription for zoloff or what ever they call it. With more than half of the country either stoned out or in a perpetual anti depressant fog, is it any wonder every one is on disability or dependant on the government for at least some part of thier income? Wake up America, stop being weak, sometimes life really does suck but most days are just ok, don’t listen to the tramps and gelding on TV, ITS NOT REAL (even the “reality shows are fake BTW). Paul Kersey

First of the 4 Biggest Problems this country is facing that no one will talk about

The once great United States of America has some huge problems besides the ones that everyone is talking about. The news covers the so called “fiscal cliff” and budget issues, Obama “non” care to name a few but the ones that are too “touchy” to discuss in public are; the “Negro problem”, Islamic enclaves, Thieving Immigrants, and lastly the large drugged population. GodsDirtyWork will cover these topics in the coming days one at a time. Until these issue can be discussed, and dealt with they will only grow and become more of a treat to our once great nation. The one we refer to as the “Negro problem” is not the Kenyan American in the white house (although he is a very serious problems, we will leave him as chum for the likes of Hannity). The problem I want to discuss is the extreme non productivity of blacks in our society. It’s the elephant in the room. If you take away government employment (city, state, federal) very, very few blacks work at real productive jobs. Too many blacks are involved in street crime, the kind the police rightly go after with zeal. They get locked up, or worse killed by other black criminals, the kind of crimes the leaders of the “community” don’t want to discuss. Blacks start off life dragging a 100lbs weight, born into single family homes, many with drug and alcohol abuse (although whites are working very hard to catch up). They view success as something “whitey” does, so any black who tries to drag himself out of the cesspool he grew up in is ostracized by his or her peers. Then, with a chip firmly placed on thier shoulders they go through life blaming everyone but themselves for thier shortcomings in life. The prisons are chock full of these individuals. What can be done? We have tried everything from trillions of dollars of welfare and give aways to midnight basketball, and the truth be said, nothing has changed. The latest development is many are turning to the religion that first enslaved thier African ancestors, Islam, and of course, the mooslum masters tell them the same ole story, “its whiteys fault” you are a failure. They get pushed ahead in school and work out of the "systems" fear of being called racist,. The only answer is stop subsidizing thier failure. That means cut off the welfare, free housing and stop locking them up. Stop paying single black women to get knocked up by in many cases 5 different men. Put together a panel of sucessful black business people (not a bunch of do nothing community organizers, or government employees) that can show them the road to success, and what it takes, the first and foremost which is the intact family, and that’s not the granny who gives the kids money for crack. Maybe then we can all learn to live together. Paul Kersey

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanks for everything

Happy Thanksgiving to all GDW readers and followers. Paul is spending his holiday in the Kersey compound counting and enjoying all of his blessings. Earlier this week Paul spent the day enjoying his 2nd amendment rights and gave his arsenal a good workout. A few choice shots of 00 buck to a couple of watermelons was the highlight of the day. Sorry no video, but trust me it was good. Paul suggest all of you exercise that same right, and buy an American made handgun, long gun and shotgun, load up on ammunition before “Bronco Bama” takes that right away, believe me he has you in his sights, keep him in yours. GDW staff writer

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Bravo Clintonista, Bravo

Isn’t that special? We should all be clapping in loud applause for the wonderful work SecState Clintonista putting together the “cease-fire” between Israel and the terrorist organization Humus. The bearded clams in Humus and thier agents in the US media have painted Israel as the aggressors and the Palestinians as victims. Is the whole world upside down? Israel knows they cannot keep American money coming in if they continue to demolish the buildings they built and gave away to lazy Palestinians to live in since they are incapable of building anything themselves. They are too busy beating thier wives and dogs and firing missiles at the evil Jews. Thanks to Iran, Humus seems to have an endless supply for the morons to lob into Israel. At some point in time these temporary cease-fires and “peace accords” are going to have to be ceremoniously placed neatly in a shitcan and Israel can finish these people off. Let the remains be sent to Iran as they are the ones pulling the strings. It amazes me that a handful of bearded clam old men, who have read one book thier whole miserable lives are driving this whole region to war. I cannot understand why anyone with even a small mooslum polluted brain would listen to these morons. I like to ask all the little gelding Jew haters in the US who support Humus, “If you had to move to one country in the middle east, which one would you choose” Some come up with some BS but must just shut up and walk away. Paul Kersey

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Weak New World

One of the 5th columns most successful “programs” to bring this country to its knees is the indoctrination of our youth in schools. From primary to university level, the constant bombardment of so called “progressive” ideas is drilled into the minds of young people from the first day they enter a school. It started with “working in groups” 30 years ago. This took the idea of personal responsibility away from each student, and made the most successful students “responsible” for “helping” the ignorant and/or lazy students. Yes the A student still got an A, but the bum who should have gotten a D or F gets a C. Great for everybody, most importantly the teachers union, but the A student learns he or she must work thier whole lives with a bunch of no-loads in tow, and get used to it because it’s the “right thing to do”. Have you ever watched children shows on Saturday morning? Long gone are Yosemite Sam with his six shooters who gets a cast iron frying pan in the head from wiseguy Bugs Bunny, and Daffy Duck torturing Foghorn Leghorn. They have been replaced by a bunch of gelding male characters who ALWAYS refer to the stronger female charters and they all learn to work together to recycle or some ridiculous progressive cause. Check it out, you owe to your kids. What these progressive morons dream of is a world is where young people lose the sense of right and wrong, accept anything and everything because they are not judgmental, tolerant of everything, to the point that they lose the sense of danger and can then be molded into what ever the progressive want them to be. Forget being an American or Christian those are baaaaad, every other culture is superior to ours and don’t forget what the Europeans did to those brave, noble savages the “Native Americans” (who came here over the land bridge from Asia, but forget all that, they’re the true “natives”). The brainwashing of 2 or 3 whole generations of young Americans has proudly brought us “Bronco Bama”, AG Eric Holder, the cast of MSNBC and of course those noble freedom fighters Occupy Wall Street. We are deep trouble. Paul Kersey

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Something to Ponder

A sign of the times, San Fransiko had to pass a law last year to make it illegal to walk around the city nude, yeah you read correctly, but it is San Francisco. I guess they had a problem with nude pedestrians. Well now, it seems a group of perverts is protesting the law, one a “stay at home Mom” that was a stripper and now hosts a nude cable talk show (can you imagine how those kids are going to turn out)? For all you perverts and insane liberals who think that the US policy of backing Israel is the reason your buddies the mooslums hate us, nope its this group of deviants. Just something to think about, if by chance you where thinking of strolling around in the buff today. Staff writer at GDW

Maybe this will explain it.

The recent strife in Israel has brought out the insane liberal journalists in droves. I have read 3 articles today about all the suffering in Gaza due to Israeli air strikes. Hello, earth to insane liberals, Israel has been under attack for months from bearded clam mooseslum morons with green scarfs. Insane liberals without borders (or whatever they call themselves this year) are outraged at the “destruction” Israel has caused, what? “They caused” why not tell the palestinians to stop lobbing over thier missiles provided by the bearded clams in Iran? Oh no, those Jews are “full of hate for the peaceful Palestinians”. These articles bring out the truth about insane liberals, you see, every so often, the world goes through a tumultuous periods of war, and all these morons get killed off (or kill themselves running away) because they are a group of humans with a mental disease that prevents them from sensing danger and worse, prevents them from doing anything about it. Then, thanks to the warrior class, we go through long periods of relative peace and these gut deficients spring back up again, and they do what they always do, set about self destructing and trying to take down the very people that defend them, NOT THE ONES TRYING TO KILL THEM. I can’t explain it, Dr Michael Savage wrote a whole book on the subject, “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” he does a fair job of explaining thier problem. These deficient rarely reproduce, which is a good thing so they need a lot of time to gain in numbers as we have today, the weak men, and damaged women spread out like a disease, usually in cities where they can find a source of food and housing and set about thier insidious work of destruction, not unlike termites. And like termites you cannot ignore them, it takes strong “medicine” to keep them in check. Do no ignore these termites, they will take us all with them. “Bronco Bama”, his mother and father are such people. Paul Kersey

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wake up!

First let me start by dismissing any notion that you insane liberals and your “moral relevance” arguments that Christianity is “just as bad” as Islam, thank goddess you libs rarely reproduce and all those freedoms, like women rights, religious “tolerance” just to name a few are alive and well in most if not all “Christian” based countries, and are barley tolerated in even the most liberal Islamic states, i.e Turkey. 2 stories today really set me off and should be enough to stop the insanity of importing people who walk around with dirty beards filthy sandals, dirty nightshirt with yellow stains in the front and brown in the back, make thier women walk 10 ft behind them in black head to toe rags. They shout obscenities about the host country, who has provided housing, food and given free healthcare, educated thier children, and then as in Toronto Canada, deface a WWII war memorial with “Canada will burn..praise Allah”, and in England, and France deface war memorials and graves, and either country will deport one so bad, he was wounded during a terrorist attack and was one of Obama, I mean Osama Bin Ladens right hand men? What kind of sane people put up with this? Just because liberals are insane, should we put up with and listen to thier insanity when it threatens our very survival? We must all write to our representatives today and get them to stop this insane policy. The notion that liberals and academics tout that Islam is a great religion and has brought so many things to western civilization is pure bullshit, yeah you heard me bullshit, they have killed or converted anyone who has gotten in thier way, Europe, Africa, Persia all have suffered greatly at the hands of the barbarians. The only thing they understand is unmitigated strength, you cannot appease these cornholed pinheads who sit around all day reading one book, eating free food in a provided chair in a warm house thanks to western taxpayers so they run around chasing young men. It makes me sick to think that my tax money is possibly feeding the very same person who may be planning on defacing a war memorial. DO something about it, today, tomorrow maybe to late. Paul Kersey

Monday, November 12, 2012

Something is wrong here

Something is very, very wrong with this picture. Patreus states in closed door sessions that the attack on Benghazi was due to that wonderful movie that actually portrays mohammed as the pervert he was, when he knew full well at that time it was a planned attack by Obamas friends at Al Kyda? Now he comes out with his statement of bad judgement? Why was the FBI looking at the director of the CIA’s emails? This all happens a week before the “scholar warrior” is supposed to testify about this Obama created fiasco. Something is very off here, and it smeels of a demented liberal cover up. Am I the only one who has noticed that liberals lie, cheat and steal for personal gain? Even the so called Iran-Contra scandal was really just foreign policy and was good for the country, these weaklings only try to cover there incompetence, And don’t start with the favorite “scandal” of the left, Watergate, that was a none issue, should have gone no where, except for 2 perverts who wanted to make a name for themselves, and every liberal psycho in DC helped them. So called journalist have been working hard everyday to bring down a republican President ever since. If it weren’t for a few bloggers and FNC, Axlegrease would have successfully buried this tragedy. I want to see Obama hung for this. This weakling is killing this country with his giveaways, class and race warfare and insane liberal ass kissing of the same Islamic psychos that want us all converted or better yet dead. I know Obama attend koran reading sessions with his 2nd father in Indo-nausea, so he knows what that roll of toilet paper says about weakness, “attack the infidel when they are weak, and pull back and play nice when they are strong, and wait until they are weak again” Guess what, yup, they sense weakness in Obama. To all my fellow veterans, have a nice day, you deserve it. Paul Kersey

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Catch me if you can

Everyday we prove to the world just how weak our leaders are. We are not the filthy French who still live with a women hating attitude. Obama, Patraus, we need real men to run our country but they are getting harder and harder to find, if you need proof just ask any real women. The world is crumbling around us and front and center in this country? Gay rights, pot smoking, gun control, free medical care for life , killing infants before there born. Think for a minute, should our federal government even be discussing ANY of these topics? I can never figure liberals anyway but I can never seem to get my head around thier twisted logic of killing every unborn child they can find on a sonogram, but they will lay in front of a bus to stop a murdering POS from being humanly killed after 14 trials? Well, as the great Dr Michael Savage has said many times, Liberalism is a mental disorder. Stay strong, I am doing my best to keep DHS off my trail, thank goodness that bowling coach of director they have Janet Napalotano is busy running her bowling league or she could cause some real damage to our freedoms. Paul Kersey is on the run, but they can’t catch me.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Paul is in hiding once again-stay tuned

This message is being forwarded from Mr Paul Kersey who is deep hiding in his secret lair. The jack booted goons from DHS on a mission undoubtably ordered by the fraudulent POTUS, Barrack Hussein Obama are again trying to shut down one of the last voices of freedom. Paul wants all his readers to know that he is safe and looking forward to getting back telling the truth about what is really happening to this once great country. Paul thanks all of you for your support and prayers.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Racism-Its alive an well, Thanks Barrak and Eric Holder

Racism is alive and well in the US, this election, and just a peek at any news outlet will show you just how prevalent it is in our society, no whites have been beaten down by years of brainwashing disguised as “diversity training” Sexual harassment training” and the worst of all, Hate Crime laws that only apply to whites. How can that be? Well how about 97% of blacks supported Obama, despite the damage he has inflicted on all of us but blacks have taken the brunt of his Trotsky economic polices, that for some reason is not noteworthy to any of the major news outlets. Every single day, every single day, I read another article that tells of somewhere in this country a pack of wild, food stamp and Colt 45 fueled blacks are beating a white man almost to death, in many, cameras show them after the beat down, stamping their feet and rubbing the victims head into the sidewalk, thats not robbery that’s hate, no matter how you look at it. Then there is the constant reminders of how whites or European are declining in numbers and with great joy how the news readers read their lines about how this is so wonderful First, what’s so wonderful about it? Would they jump for joy if whites started moving to Africa to make it livable for humans again? How about the Hispanics, god bless them all but a lot of them came here illegally, and drain the social safety net. You cannot go to any corner of this country and not find a “community” of Mexicans. This was not the case 20 years ago. Add to that Mexico is among the most corrupt countries in the world. So it shard to blame them I understand we made it necessary for them to come here because women in the US think its more important to have a BMW than children, that’s for another day. But, the worst thing is how the mostly white news readers gloat that the new arrivals are all DEMOCRATS and liberals and on welfare!, Isn’t that wonderful? First I don’t know if that’s true, it seems to be, would they say that about whites? 37% of the insane whites voted for the fraud Obama, and lets not forget what I call the forgotten “minority” the ones that never get mentioned by any side because they don’t fit the racist narrative of the left, Asians, most of whom work hard, ensure their kids get a first rate education and DON”T NEED AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO GET INTO OUR FINEST UNIVERSITIES!!! Jesse Jackass and AL Sharpton, check it out, hard to explain huh Paul Kersey

Hold on TIght

The re election of Barrak Hussein Obama was like lifting up a rock that hasn’t moved in 100 years. The same party that bought you John F. Kennedy now brings you kooks like Elizabeth Warren (the nut job that lied about being 007% squaw) Harry Reid, and that fine bunch of insane moochers, the congressional black caucus, check that bunch out, one actually wears her hair like Marge Simpson (no offense Marge) and another wears a pink cowgirl hat. You see this “party”, is made up of a large group of blacks who have not had a breadwinner in the family for 3 generations, Hispanic women raising anchor babies, guilt ridden whites with a thin layer of insane, drugged, sexually confused celebrities, Michael Moore, Whoopie Goldberg and Bruce (the midget farmer) Sprung stein. This demographic is what bought you BHO for 8 years unless by some happenstance the guy leaves us with....yes, Joe Biden, God help us but this shadow of a man is so confused about so many things he’s not even sure where he is half the time. So there you have it, this is where we are, in big, big trouble, as I have said earlier, this election was sadly the tipping point to the 3rd world. Hold on tight because the slide maybe faster than anyone imagined. Paul Kersey

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Now that our once great nation has decided, democratically of course to head down the road to a third world nation, as Obama has envisioned us, by the dreams of his father, the drunk Kenyan, we should throw the towel in and go all the way. Really, who are we to think we are the savior of the world, we can’t even run our own cities anymore. We borrow from other nations to so we can station aircraft carriers off their coast to either intimidate them or look like we are protecting them. Come on does anyone really believe we would go to war with someone like Iran, much less China? Lets draw back, stop borrowing money and become a real third world nation. Let the cities go to hell. Give everyone free healthcare and cradle to grave social programs, oh wait we already have those two. Never mind just cut back the military enough so we are a weak enough to match Obamas resolve, tax the hell outta dem damn rich people. Give affirmative action a kick in the ass and get some more incompetents in jobs that are 2 levels above their intelligence level, and what the hell, lets make sure everyone graduates from high school, wait why stop there, graduate from college, just lower the requirements down so it meets the students liking. Come on lets move forward!!

Relax, everyone else is!

I have said it before, and I know many of you don’t like to hear it but Osama Bin Laden actually obtained many of his goals. The main goal which I’m sure all you will agree is he did put the western economies into a tail spin that we can’t seem to get out of. Wether he did or we did it to ourselves is debatable. Most western nations are near collapse, Last night, the once great United States show that it is not united any longer and made a decision that future historians ( if there is such a thing in the future) will mark as the beginning of the end of this experiment in democracy and free markets. I think the quote by the moron/communist governor of California sums up all that is wrong goes like this “never before has a state voted to raise taxes to support the children of the state....” “For the schools” they always say. I’m pretty sure all the so called “voters” that did actually vote for that tax increase have lets of kids and won’t pay any of that tax. That pretty much sums up the way these morons who have never balanced a budget, never had a job outside of government and read Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”. I suppose I shouldn’t be that sad about all this, for one it was probably inevitable the day decent, educated, hardworking people stopped having children. I hope I make it to the end before it all collapses, Hope, now there is also a word that sums up the way these morons feeeeeellllll! The deep slump, created by low birth rates and lack of religion in western nations are being filled by third world moochers and/or muslims. These people could care less about the host countries “culture”, they just want your money. This is our bed, we made, you might as well sleep in it, why not, they are and their enjoying every minute of it. Osama Bin Laden may be dead as our fraud President likes to take credit for, but his dream lives, for billions of his followers.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The begining of the end

God help us. This means revolution and the end of the UNITED States of America. The morons now outnumber the producers, its over. Its now time for GodsDirtyWork. To the Obama supporters in DHS reading this, kiss my ass. Paul Kersey

A Grand Experiment

We are all waiting, hoping that change is coming. Obamas dream of turning the once great United States into a 3rd world welfare state must be stopped. I have read as many of you have the stories of voter intimidation by Obamas army of “supporters”, the murals on the wall in voting places of Obama. The list goes on. It is up to us, everyone to stop this maniacal “community organizer” and set this country at least on the path to recovery. I wish the state of California could be split into north and south. Let Brown and his insane dreamers have the north from Monterey to Oregon. Then set in motion the grand experiment. In the south, lower taxes, including property, sales and income. Cut drastically all social program, make everyone reapply. Give tax incentives to businesses. Make disability as hard to get a s building permit. Institute law reform making it harder to sue maliciously. Make the state government part time and only 2 terms for elected officials. I suspect the new 51st state called Southern California would become the most prosperous state in the union, a grand experiment indeed.

Today is the day the will live...........

Today is a day that will live in infamy. I know that phrase is synonymous with December 7th 1941 and Pearl Harbor, however today November 4th 2012 Americans will decide wether they want to live in a world envisioned by the likes of Saul Alinsky, or what the founding fathers describe in the constitution. There is no doubt in my mind and many others that if Obama and his “new” black kittens and communist sympathizers can pull off their twisted dream and win, the people as well as the constitution lose. America will peak over the top on to a downward slide and there maybe no coming back. Hold onto your wallets folks, this little NYU commie has his sights on it. While Romney is a luke warm conservative, he’s the only hope we have. I am very worried that Obama and his army of losers and freeloaders will win this election just like the did in 2008. This cast of characters like Debbie “blabber mouth” Shultz Wasserman, Eric Holder, and many others will bring this country to its knees. You will finally see Obama embrace his long time Alinsky pals, Bill Ayers, and Rev “wrong”. He will be free to exact a revenge on his enemies the likes of which we have never seen, this despot of a worm hates this country and the people who made it the great nation it was. If this fraud pulls this off today, I pray for all of us that have done out best to rid the white house of one of the worst Presidents ever. Make no mistake, there is no fury like that of a scorned liberal. God Help us all Paul Kersey

Monday, November 5, 2012

Vote Obama out, it may be our last chance

Don’t think for a minute that the barbarians are not watching us and looking for weakness. They know we have a weak leader that is doing his best to weaken every branch of the military and degrade our culture as we speak, another 4 years of this fraud and there is no telling where we will be. I know our special forces and intelligence agencies have been doing a good job taking down some of the worst of them, but think about it for a minute, the way the US took down the ex Soviet Union was actually brilliant, we simply out spent them, we used our strong economic system and Reagan authorized in some cases unneeded weapons systems (in the case of the so called “Star Wars” system, unreal systems) to make the soviets believe we meant business and could out maneuver them at every turn. The only problem is the Islamic turds learned the same lesson. How can we keep spending millions per drone strike to take out sometimes as few as 1 or 2 of these bearded perverts? Not long, we are going broke trying, just as the Soviets did in the 80s. It should not be lost on any of us that Afghanistan not only wore them out, it broke their bank, sound familiar? The subhumans in Afghanistan have been getting along just fine reading one book their whole lives defecating in a ditch and cornholing the young boys in the next hut next. Leave them alone, let them do what they do best, nothing We must rebuild our economy for many reason, the least of which is to keep up the fight against those hell bent on destroying us or converting the world to their brand on lunacy. If we don’t it almost certain the world will be plunged into a dark age like no other. These are the same barbarians that burned the library in Alexandria and lost almost forever all the Greeks and romans had taught us about advancing life and society in so many ways. Revisionist like Obama and the frauds that teach in our schools like to tell a different story, one that shows Islam as a great “teachers” and “thinkers”, yes they did contribute a few astronomical names, and the some basic mathematics they stole from India and Persia as they plundered them. The have destroyed far, far more than they ever gave. They must be stopped. Its up to us. Paul Kersey-the day before tomorrow

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Be Thankful, Each Day

Unlike many news outlets and government agencies, Paul Kersey and the staff at GDW works everyday, all day. First I want to follow up on yesterdays dissertation on the upcoming election and the possible repercussions by the lunatic Obama supporters in the unlikely event the fraud loses the electoral vote but somehow wins the popular vote. (My prediction is that it will most likely be the other way around with Mitt Romney winning the popular vote). You need to be ready for the worst case scenario for your region. Unlike the morons that run the northeastern power companies and do not prepare for anything other than the next company picnic, you, yes you must take responsibility for you and your immediate family. Find out what the kinds of natural disasters are most likely in your area, for instance if you live in areas where the windows will be broken in storms or earthquakes, have a couple of rolls of heavy duty semi transparent plastic and a good heavy duty stapler to cover your window opening, trust me this can make all the difference in the comfort of your family. So the bottom line is read up, plan and prepare. You do not want to be a refuge of ANY government and you do not want to be wandering the streets begging for food and water. You see Obama supporters get their rent paid, food coupons are sent to an account every months as well as spending money for iphones etc. These subhumans will be the first to turn on the hand that has been feeding them since they were born. Avoid them if you can, but take them down if they threaten you. The police have been proven useless time and time again in almost every disaster. However when you are confronted by the police or National Guard, yield to them and be on your way. Today should be a day of rest and praise, thankful for all you have. Remember losing your “stuff” is not the end of the world, you probably remember when you didn’t have much “stuff” and you were pretty happy. Thank God for all you have, but remember it can very easily be taken away for a lot of reasons, or for no reason. The stuff is not whats important. Take care of yourselves and enjoy life, every minute that you have. Paul Kersey-Sunday 11-04-2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Have a Nice Day

To all the good folks who read this blog, I suggest you load up on supplies and essential items, my feeling is, that if there are a large number of irregularities found in the voting process or say Obama wins the popular vote but loses the electoral vote, we may be in for some trouble. Obama supporters are people who love to say how “tolerant” and “accepting” they are, are actually the most intolerant people you will ever meet. And meet them in the middle of a riot, you do not want to do. There will be looting, shooting and general mayhem. Just as a precaution be ready. To the incompetent buffoons at DHS who read this blog, go to hell or better yet, get a real job, go help out the folks in Staten Island and Queens, or you can always go check out the mosques in this country you nit wits. I promised yesterday I would give you the names of a few books to read on the subject of staying alive in a crisis, here are a few to get you started. When all Hell breaks loose by Cody Lundin (yeah he’s the barefoot guy on Discovery) Ragnars’s Urban Survival, by yup, Ragnar Survival Handbook by DK books written by SAS guys The Urban Homestead by Kelly Coyne-this one you can use anyway! I suggest reading The Art of War, but Obama supporters are pretty easy to figure out. But read it when you can. Remember folks if you think “It can’t happen here”, it’s happening right now in our biggest, and greatest city. In the words of Cody, “Don’t be scared-Be Prepared”. Load em up! Paul Kersey

Friday, November 2, 2012

Take Care of yourselves

Many of us have heard all the predictions concerning the election, one interesting analysis has Romney wining in a landslide, while that would make my day, well, make that my month, there is one old hag I would like to see gone next Tuesday and that is Diane Feinstein, this old biddy lib has been screwing Californians while helping herself and her husbands business for years. She is so comfortable in her reelection, she wont even take time to debate her opponent. The site of her makes me ill. If Obama is sent back to Chicago where he may get some sought of “job” milking the government in the name of doing good, but trust me even if he gets the boot we have not heard the last of this fraud, think Bill Clinton, this is a guy who you cannot insult or embarrass, they have no conscience. I wanted to touch on the tragedy taking place in the NY metro area, the part that really gets me is the union goons are stopping non union power workers from helping folks get power back on. This is Obamas America. I can understand a cluster%uck like this in New Orleans or Haiti, but NYC? This is the most powerful country in the world, Obama and Bush sent our military to rebuild all soughts of hell wholes the world over and they are no where in site in NYC. Then to make things worse, in the middle of all this that fraud mayor has the audacity to put out his endorsement of Obama, and get this “because of his stance on climate change”? If it wasn’t real I would not believe it. Forget about that tub of lard governor of NJ Christo Christy, who embraces Obama on his quick look at the damage, Bloomberg is taking politics to a new low. But this is who we have elected and until something changes its going to get worse, much worse. Make sure you take care of your families, because no one else will, there a number of good books to read on the this very subject, I will post a list of them I have found useful in a near future post. Until tomorrow, we are doing GodsDirtyWork. Paul Kersey

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Barbarians are at our gates

Yes, the barbarians are at the gate and we are led by a weak, socialist gelding, who has never worn any kind of uniform, much less seen combat, the hardest battle he ever saw was trying to score weed at 10pm in Honolulu back in the 80s. He has chosen to weaken our military, court marshall those that may have done their jobs too well, install top military leaders that would be better diversity trainers at Burger King then lead men into battle. In kinder and gentler times, this may pass for “the peace dividend,” take a break, relax a bit, these are not those times. Islam is once again on the march as they have done many times since its founding in the 600's. This insane, barbaric ideology is hell bent on world domination, if you think I am making this up, ask any muslim or better yet, read their “good book”, the Koran, its all in there for your reading displeasure. Now is a time for strength and being on offence, build strong defenses, its all the barbarians understand, this weak, nice talk Obama continues to use in every corner of the world has these subhumans, rubbing their hairy, dirty little hands, they know they have their man in the white house. Adding to this gloomy picture is the weakened fiancees of most western nations and the lowest birth rates in history. If that was not bad enough, our weakened nation has INVITED these same barbarians into our country to be fed, housed and given free medical care so they can be free to breed in large numbers and spend their days idling away, reading the Koran at the local mosque. I wish I was wrong, but I am afraid I am right. Unless a miracle happens on Tuesday and American wakes up. For if we do not, we could wake up in the very near future to massive riots in Europe, bearded mullahs striding in to the great halls of European government, shouting “death to the great satan, America your next” and that’s just the start. I pray I'm wrong Paul Kersey